OK, I admit, I'm a little addicted to watching my points go up. I love being near the top in my area. OK, I admit too that I want to be number 1! Is that sick?
But I made a commitment that I wouldn't write junk and that I wouldn't make stupid comments just for points. But I just realized that while I'm looking for comment worthy blogs, I'm learning and getting motivated and being inspired and entertained. When I open a blog and it starts to bore me I move on and often I read a blog and don't think it worth comment. If I comment, I like to think that the writer will appreciate my input.
So is that bad? I don't know about everybody else, but I really appreciate all the comments on my blogs and I really enjoy getting to know people from the way they write. So that's my two cents worth for now.
I love referrals: Marian 252-422-9000