
A strange thing happened on the way...

Real Estate Agent with Pine Knoll Shores Realty 252-422-9000 NC 166249

OK, I admit, I'm a little addicted to watching my points go up.  I love being near the top in my area.  OK, I admit too that I want to be number 1!  Is that sick?

But I made a commitment that I wouldn't write junk and that I wouldn't make stupid comments just for points.  But I just realized that while I'm looking for comment worthy blogs, I'm learning and getting motivated and being inspired and entertained.  When I open a blog and it starts to bore me I move on and often I read a blog and don't think it worth comment.  If I comment, I like to think that the writer will appreciate my input.

So is that bad?  I don't know about everybody else, but I really appreciate all the comments on my blogs and I really enjoy getting to know people from the way they write.  So that's my two cents worth for now.

I love referrals:  Marian 252-422-9000

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Linda Breeding
Keller Williams Realty - Pinehurst, NC

Hi Marian, the points are fun and I'm like you - I read a lot of blogs and comment on the ones that I really enjoy, whether they are great tips, laughter and fun, or nice blogs about an area I have always wanted to know about. There are some great writers on AR. I'm addicted too.

Mar 14, 2009 01:52 PM
Sharon Fleming
Real Living Realty Unlimited - Port St Lucie, FL
Realtor, Port St Lucie-Florida

I agree, I browse the blogs and find the ones that intrigue me enough to comment, I like to think that the effort and time I put into my blogs is enjoyed by others.   





Mar 14, 2009 01:53 PM
Ellie McIntire
Ellicott City Clarksville Howard County Maryland Real Estate - Ellicott City, MD
Luxury service in Central Maryland

Marian- don't feel bad about it. You honesty is refreshing.  North Carolina has so many prolific Bloggers. They have so much to teach.

Mar 14, 2009 01:55 PM
Tony & Darcy Cannon
Aubrey and Associates Realty - Layton, UT
The C Team

I too am addicted to Active Rain and there are some great writers here on Active Rain.  Some that I can't wait to read their next blogs.  I too find some that are inciteful, yet hard to read, but that's ok, I have learned so much from the writers here!

Mar 14, 2009 01:57 PM
R. Greg Osmond
Sutton Group-Capital Realty Ltd. - St Johns, NL
MBA, Red Maple Realty

Hi Marian,  It looks like you are winning the battle for number 1.  At least for today.  The points system has a way of hooking you when you should be in sleeping which for me is now.  I am competitive too.  I am not sure if it is all healthy if taken to an extreem but a certain amount of it doesn't hurt.  It helps to motivate you when you would rather pip off.  Have a great weekend.


Mar 14, 2009 02:21 PM
Sheldon Neal
Bergen County, NJ - RE/MAX Real Estate Limited - Maywood, NJ
That British Agent Bergen County NJ

Hi Marian - Comments are extremely important to me, and I answer every single one of them - even the blogs that reach 80- 100 comments ! But like you, I feel the comments are important, and I like to let the commenters know I appreciate them. (I also try to reciprocate on their blog whenever time permits !)

Cheers Marian !


Mar 14, 2009 02:22 PM
Bob Foster
Century 21 Lanthorn R. E. Ltd. Belleville, Ontario - Belleville, ON

It's interesting how quickly the ideas for more good blogs come as you get into this and make blogging part of your daily routine, isn't it?


Mar 14, 2009 02:36 PM
Lou Ludwig
Ludwig & Associates - Boca Raton, FL
Designations Earned CRB, CRS, CIPS, GRI, SRES, TRC

Hi Marian

I normally browse the blogs and comment on the blogs that interest me.

Good luck and success

Lou Ludwig

Mar 14, 2009 02:51 PM
Vickie Nagy
Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate - Palm Springs, CA
Vickie Jean the Palm Springs Condo Queen

Hi Marian, I'm close to the top in my state, but I'm sometimes so dang busy I can't participate in Active Rain as I always put customers first!

Mar 14, 2009 03:00 PM
Marian Goetzinger
Pine Knoll Shores Realty 252-422-9000 - Pine Knoll Shores, NC
Crystal Coast Real Estate NC

Linda, Ellie, Tom & Darcy, Greg, Sheldon, Bob, Lou and Vickie,

Forgive the group response but I just wanted to say how much I appreciate your comments.  I joined AR about a year ago as response to an invitation to join, but didn't touch it again until August of 2009, so I'm only a little over 6 months old in the Rain.  I still feel like I'm just getting my feet wet.  Comments help to affirm that I'm OK.  Thanks from the Carolina Grandma.

Mar 14, 2009 11:35 PM
Paula Stadiem
Pine Knoll Shores Realty - Pine Knoll Shores, NC

Hey Marian you and Amy really inspire me.  If I didn't hate to write so much I would really be going to town blogging.  

Apr 02, 2009 07:59 AM
Lara O'Keefe
North Texas Home Finders - McKinney, TX

Marian, I enjoy your posts and thik that your personality comes out in your writing style. I think comments should be sincere too.

Apr 11, 2009 06:50 AM
Rick Hendershot
BlogEasy for Real Estate Agents - International, IT

Hi Marian, I'm relatively new to AR, but am also finding it a bit addictive. Do you have any idea how points translate into exposures, responses, referrals, etc.?

Dec 31, 2009 05:50 PM
Martha Holmberg
HomeSmart - Litchfield Park, AZ

I am getting addicted too Marian!

BTW Where is Pine Knoll? Looks like it might be in NC?

Thanks Martha

I love referrals too! In Litchfield Park, AZ 602-463-1344

Jan 05, 2011 06:59 AM