
ActiveRain ReBlog Gets A FaceLift - Time To Incorporate It

Reblogger Mark Duncan
Real Estate Agent

Thanks always you provide great information for us newbies and, I'm sure, for the experienced AR bloggers too.


Original content by Brad Andersohn Non-Licensed

I'll be the first to admit, I didn't really like the previous ReBlog graphic/icon as I felt it was too big.  It moved my text around making my posts look funny, and it was completely useless for me as the author of my Blog.  The value seemed to only be for the ReBlogger.  I know there are still mixed opinions about "ReBlogging" and the value of it, so like "open houses" I'll let that controversy continue onward and upward, but not here.

You'll notice this morning that the ReBlog icon has in fact changed, and in my opinion, for the better.  I can finally see who has been ReBlogging my posts.  The best part is that now you can also Link to the ReBloggers post to see what they might have said about it, or others that may have commented.  Think of all the comments you've been missing about your post that was ReBlogged! :-O

This is a great new feature and I really like the look of the "NEW" and "Improved" graphic.
(The AR Tech Team redeems themselves)

You can also ReBlog members posts to appear on your Outside ActiveBlogs.  No other Network offers a tool like this, ActiveRain continues to be on the cutting edge of social networking and technology.


If it's green it's clean, but if it's Grey with green dots then you've been REBLOGGED!!  To ReBlog another members post, just click on the ReBlog button.  To view a ReBlogged post and the ReBloggers comments or additions, just click on the green dots below the button.  (Just fyi...You cannot ReBlog your own posts)  To add the ReBlog option to your Blog posts, when creating the post, just put a check mark in the box that says:    then submit post.


IMO - A ReBlogged Post is one of the finest compliments you can give another ActiveRain Member!

I never thought I'd say this, but now I don't mind going back to all my posts and adding the ReBlog option to every single one of them.  Especially now that I can see who has ReBlogged me, and what they had to say.  Now we can follow the chain and threads on our ReBlogged posts, and the new face-lifted graphic won't affect the layout or design of our posts.  I personally like the change and want to thank our guys for listening to the community and for making it happen.  Kudos Gents!!  :-)

If there were one single Blog post on AR that should be Reblogged by every member here, I'd say it's:

this one!


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Lara O'Keefe
North Texas Home Finders - McKinney, TX

Hey Mark, I'm glad to see you back playing around in Active Rain. I hope you and your family are healthy & happy!

Mar 18, 2009 02:03 PM