What is a better buy in today's real estate market, bank REO (Real Estate Owned) or government foreclosures? I work with both big banks and the even bigger government locating foreclosed homes in the Chicago land area. Which is better? The banks are very motivated at the current moment, they want their inventory off the books quickly. As a result, prices on bank foreclosures are very low. Banks are businesses and this makes it very easy to to put deals together. On the other hand, the government is much more difficult. There is a ton of red tape to cut through. Chase Real Estate specializes in both bank foreclosures and government deals. We have great relationships with the banks and know how to negotiate through government bureaucracy. As to the price, each property needs to be evaluated individually, every foreclosure is not equal. And just because a property is in foreclosure doesn't make it a deal. Check out the foreclosure acquisition binders attached to the "Best Buy" foreclosed homes. Each binder includes a market analysis, comparable units active and sold as well as rental and rehab prices. Click Here for a sample Foreclosure Acquisition Binder.