YOU PICKED UP YOUR FIRST BUYER! Nice you should feel like a million bucks. Try not to meet your client at the first property. Do everything possible to get them to meet you at your office. Drive them in your car it is very important that you are able to drive in the same car with your clients. It is during the drives from house to house that they generally will engage in conversation and you can probe them for information. If you work it right you will gain their confidence and they will open up to you. If you get them taking about their wants, their needs and you really listen to them they will be more apt to use you because they will feel you know what they are looking for. Ask questions always follow up a buyers response with a question. When in doubt use a summary probe. Ex; a buyer says I really felt the first house was the nicest. You then say You felt the first house is the nicest. That will gain their trust and make them feel like you are hearing their needs. Never put your commission before your buyer or your sellers needs. Your clients will smell your fear. In Real Estate we work on commission and at times things can get rough, but never tell your client you think this is the right house for them unless you truly do. If u don't like the way the house looks you don't have to tell your client that remember one mans garbage is another mans treasure. Just use your good judgment and don't sell your client a home just because your rent is do and you were freaking out. I can tell you we all have been there but when you are struggling and trying to dig yourself out of trouble Is usually when a star is born. Try to be a star with ethics and morals. Remember when your selling a house to always give your clients good advice as well. For instance they get an offer and they are insulted they don't want to even counter back you empathize with them and let them know that they need to counter back. That they have an offer today but they may not tomorrow. The only way to win the game is by staying in it and playing. Your clients will appreciate it and the referrals you will gain will be incredible.