

Real Estate Agent with Tesla Realty Group

Let your elected officials know that the elimination of the property tax deduction sends the wrong message, and that protecting homeownership is key to our economic recovery.

Click here to send a letter to Governor Corzine, your assemblyperson and your state senator.

Corzine Budget Hurts Property Owners

Governor Jon Corzine, to a joint session of the New Jersey Legislature, announced plans to eliminate the ability for all non-senior households, regardless of income, to deduct property taxes from their state tax filings.  The elimination of the deduction is expected to raise $420 million in revenue, which will be used to fund a greatly scaled back property tax rebate program that only reaches a select few.


As the leading advocate for homeowners and the real estate industry in the state, the New Jersey Association of REALTORSâ (NJARâ) is adamantly opposed to this proposal.  In an effort to support the real estate industry as a whole, we must lend a voice to all property owners.  NJARâ asks that you join our fight to boost the real estate industry by joining in our opposition to this proposal.  Governor Corzine’s efforts to do away with the property tax deduction in order to fund the rebate program are imprudent.  The rebate program is a short-term fix that does not offer a long-term solution to our state’s crippling property tax dilemma.