
Livingston Parish Home Sales 2007 & 2008

Real Estate Appraiser with Romano & Associates
Sales By Area Criteria: Status: S, Category: RESIDENTIAL
Statistics for Entire Mls from 1/1/2008 to 12/31/2008 Area# of SalesTotal SalesAvg Sales 80 LIV MLS AREA 80 81 LIV MLS AREA 81 82 LIV MLS AREA 82 83 LIV MLS AREA 83 TOTALS
146 $24,809,858 $169,930
470 $75,283,054 $160,176
223 $36,979,927 $165,829
355 $60,992,566 $171,810
1194 $198,065,405 $165,883



Sales By Area Criteria: Status: S, Category: RESIDENTIAL
Statistics for Entire Mls from 1/1/2007 to 12/31/2007 Area# of SalesTotal SalesAvg Sales 80 LIV MLS AREA 80 81 LIV MLS AREA 81 82 LIV MLS AREA 82 83 LIV MLS AREA 83 TOTALS
209 $34,766,681 $166,347
607 $98,109,528 $161,630
270 $44,209,807 $163,740
443 $75,130,097 $169,593
1529 $252,216,113 $164,954



Based on the information obtained through the local MLS the average sales price has increased by approximately  $1,000 and the number of sales has increased by 335 sales. 

If you are interested in buying or selling in Livingston parish or need  an appraisal Call me for all your real estate needs

Jannifer Romano




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Fred Griffin Florida Real Estate
Fred Griffin Real Estate - Tallahassee, FL
Licensed Florida Real Estate Broker

    We invite you back to ActiveRain in 2018!

Much has changed since you last posted to ActiveRain.  I encourage you to take another look at the website.  

  Best to you!

Jan 17, 2018 04:12 PM