
How to Make Moving Easy

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Pro Players Realty

How to Make Moving Easy

By goodselfme, eHow Member


Difficulty: Easy

Planning ahead is the very first step in moving easily. These tips will help you to maybe even enjoy this time of relocation.

1. Gather boxes from different sources such as grocery stores and liquor stores. These are strong and free. 2. Rent a storage unit to use until you are ready to place those items in your new home.
3. Ask friends and neighbors for help in some small ways so the entire moving experience is not on one person's to do list.
4. Secure a baby sitter for moving day.
5. Board or ask neighbor to care for pets on moving day. If possible, make it 2 days so the pets won't be taking off as they sometimes do.
6. Use towels and sheet for packing when ever possible.
7. Buy a roll of cellophane wrapping (saran-like material) to completely secure mirrors with blankets or like packing item. This is sold at K Mart and Wal-Mart in the packaging sections.
8. Pre plan to leave only the bare minimum linens and needed items, pack all else.
9. Use paper plates the last 2 or 3 days in home you are leaving.
10. Rent a motel the day before moving and the moving day. This is an emotional and stressful time, so having a normal environment will be a great gift to you and family. Much needed sleep for the tasks at hand will be offered at a local motel.
11. Stop all papers and mail a day or two before the move. Forward it, if you know an address.
12. Have a yard sale, place ads or post on a radio selling program all items you want to sell. The internet on craigslist or ebay can be used as well. You might gain some money for your unwanted items.
13. Donate all unsold items to Goodwill, Salvation Army or your favorite charity organization.

Many people have successfully moved. Things will be normal once again, soon. Share these ideas with others to make their move easy too.