I saw a number of comments on CBS News' website about how "poorly researched" the 60 Minutes piece was. But, as a Realtor, as well as a long-time viewer of 60 Minutes, I know better than that. The 60 Minutes producers have been researching this topic for over a year, and have no doubt expended hundreds of hours and countless dollars trying to develop "the story." They have interviewed many Realtors, as well as NAR Representatives; but, curiously, none of those interviews found their way to the final draft. I suppose a fair presentation of both sides of an issue just wouldn't fit the 60 Minutes "Business Model."
So, this piece was not "poorly researched." It was merely "poorly reported." And that is a hundred times worse. The one thought I am left with, is that now I must question everything I see on 60 Minutes--that is, if I ever watch again. Ah, well. There's always Jerry Springer.