What is the new and innovative way to optimize real estate transactions? The answer is HomeMaxima.com. A leading provider of Real Estate E-Commerce, HomeMaxima.com creates a win-win-win solution for agents, property sellers and buyers.
Here is how it works. HomeMaxima.com’s online platform allows real estate agents to bid to offer lowest total commission to seller or bid to offer highest rebate to buyer. Home sellers and buyers have options to request agents bidding online or submitting private proposals via emails if they wish. Furthermore, sellers and buyers can select their own “Preferred Agents” to bid to win their business. Besides being offered maximum rebates, how do buyers benefit from mortgage deals? At Homemaxima.com, mortgage offers from lenders are ranked so that buyers can easily compare and choose deals that meet their particular needs. Buyers can contact mortgage agents via the Ranked Mortgage Offers page. With the new way of choosing agents online, sellers and buyers will certainly not miss out on big savings or substantial rebates. HomeMaxima.com’s services are free to property sellers and buyers.
What can this technology do for agents? HomeMaxima.com’s technology levels the playing field for agents. Company size or brand name may no longer be a decisive factor. Agents who offer a combination of truly good services and competitive commissions would have a better chance to win new business. HomeMaxima’s agent rating feature will systematically monitor agent’s performance and provide potential clients an indicator of agent’s credibility. Additionally, HomeMaxima.com provides means for Listing Agents to represent both sellers and buyers, resulting extra commission for agents. While real estate lead generators normally charge agents expensive cost-per-lead, HomeMaxima.com supplies agents unlimited leads at low fixed fee, resulting more saving for agents. HomeMaxima.com offers a free trial period to all agents as well.
HomeMaxima.com aims to provide tools to efficiently improve real estate transactions that benefit both sides of the economic relationship.
For further information, visit http://www.HomeMaxima.com