
Had Enough of Bad Weather and the Snow. MOVE TO FLORIDA NOW!

Real Estate Agent with Paul R Straubinger

The time of year has come when the northerns are fed up with snow storms, scrapping their windshields, and having their driveways cleared. Every year at this time I see a new client move to florida from the north to trade in there snow shoes for their flip flops and a sunny day.  People just reach a breaking point when they can no longer tolerate the bad waether, the nasty attitudes for having months of gray days and having a chore of scrapping their cars just to go out, they would  prefer the sun. I too can say this and agree being originally from New York State remembering the blizzard of 1977. I am always glad to show new buyers around out town and several times they are stopped wondering why people in Jupiter Florida are nice...why they ask ... my response is why not. I wake up every day with a love and passion for Real Estate I do not have to scrap a windshield, clear the driveway or warm the car. Why would I complain? Everyday I wake up to the sunshine on my face, the breeze from the ocean on my skin and friendly people all around me. I can always be reached at 561-889-4722 or at my office at www.CobblestoneFL.COM remember there is never a bad day here and  there is always FREE SUNSHINE!        

Fred Griffin Florida Real Estate
Fred Griffin Real Estate - Tallahassee, FL
Licensed Florida Real Estate Broker

Stopping by to wish you and yours a happy and safe Holiday Season!

Dec 24, 2014 04:26 AM