
Propety Assessment.

Real Estate Agent with Remax Jazz Inc.

Landowners' Association Forum - MPAC Assessments      
 Members of the Ontario Land Landowners' Association will be holding a forum about property assessments. The group invites property owners to bring their property assessments notices, sent recently by MPAC. The forum will be held on March 20 at 7 p.m. at the Rickard Recreation Complex 2440 Hwy. 2 West in Bowmanville.

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Sana Solanki
Kingsway Real Estate - Brampton, ON

Hi just wanted to connect and share my information so that if you know of any potential buyers or sellers out my way in the peel region, I would appreciate any refferals and I would do the same. My contact information is www.sanasolanki@com

All the very best.

Sep 15, 2016 08:44 AM