
Does money buy class?

Real Estate Agent with North Texas Home Finders 0462649

WGallasho says money buys you taste or class?  Not me.

Recently, William Gallas, a professional athlete, decided to buy himself a Mercedes McLaren, the fastest production car in the world. 

William Éric Gallas is a French international footballer who currently plays for Arsenal in the English Premier League.

And what if I told you that while some people think that chrome rims are ostentatious, especially on a McLaren, Gallas believes that chrome rims aren't ostentatious enough

Gallas decided to chrome his entire McLaren! Yes, the entire car is chromed out. It’s got to be joke, right?

McLarenIs it even street legal to drive a chrome covered car? Something tells me that anything that comes within a half mile of that giant mirror on a sunny day will be blinded for life. 

By the way, the car's base price is almost $500,000. Who knows how much it cost to dip each piece of the car in chrome. It's got to be around $600,000 when it's all said and done. 

Glad to see that pro athletes are buckling down during these tough economic times. Rumor has it that Gallas originally intended on buying a 45-foot solid gold yacht but instead settled for this little toy. That might have been even classier!


For more information please contact Lara O'Keefe at 972.838.9156 or visit Hunter's Creek.


Jackie DeShazer
Montana Country Real Estate - Libby, MT

I believe ther are good and bad people in all areas of class and poor or rich!

Mar 20, 2009 04:54 PM
Libby Cousins
Extraordinary Processing - Spokane, WA
Contract Mortgage Processor, licensed in WA

Have you ever watched "The Real Housewives of New York City" or Orange County or Atlanta? No, money does not buy class (though I am amazingly addicted to watching those shows)! For people like this, money buys respect in their opinion or maybe adoration. Not class though! I know some very classy people that don't have money and very wealthy people that don't have class.

FWIW, I don't think that car is anything more than a bid for attention. I hope that William Gallas gave some money to charity as well. With the depreciation that occurs with cars, that was not a good investment!

Mar 20, 2009 07:14 PM
TeamCHI - Complete Home Inspections, Inc.
Complete Home Inspections, Inc. - Brentwood, TN
Home Inspectons - Nashville, TN area - 615.661.029

Lara, some folks have class - all low...

Your building consultant for life in Nashville, TN

Mar 20, 2009 07:38 PM
Amy Zender
Bellingham, WA

Libby hit the nail on the head! I watched The Real Housewives of Atlanta (I had pneumonia, and The View wasn't cutting it!), and rest assure, money cannot buy class. Money can buy false respect, and can lend itself to entitled behavior which is not classy at all. Thanks for sharing... I needed a good laugh. Cheers,

Amy's Sweet Signature

Mar 20, 2009 07:57 PM
Cameron Novak
The Homefinding Center - 1000 Palms, CA
Real Estate Broker since 2008

Money buys you into those places where you learn Taste & Class.


Cameron Novak, Corona Real Estate Agent
Cameron Novak

Corona & Riverside Short Sale Agent
The Homefinding Center
Corona, California

Mar 20, 2009 08:14 PM
Fernando Herboso - Associate Broker MD, & VA
Maxus Realty Group of Samson Properties - Clarksburg, MD
301-246-0001 Serving Maryland, DC and Northern VA

I rather be a class-less Realtor with money that one with class and no cash!

I would drive the chromed up car to my next listing appointment if I could.

BTW..he is an awesome soccer player!

Mar 20, 2009 09:21 PM
Karen Anne Stone
New Home Hunters of Fort Worth and Tarrant County - Fort Worth, TX
Fort Worth Real Estate

Lara:  Once again this is ample proof that some people really do have more money than brains.  What fools they are !

Mar 20, 2009 10:05 PM
Karen Anne Stone
New Home Hunters of Fort Worth and Tarrant County - Fort Worth, TX
Fort Worth Real Estate

@ Cameron:  Once again, you are in violation of the Active Rain Community Guidelines.  As you very well know, it is considered comment spam to post your personal information, phone numbers and your personal business link in the comment section of someone else's post.  This post is Lara's, not yours.  Be nice... ok ?

Mar 20, 2009 10:07 PM
Craig Rutman
Helping people in transition - Cary, NC
Raleigh, Cary, Apex area Realtor

It's a shame he had to "settle" for the chrome car instead of the solid gold yacht.

I guess the tough economy has hit even the uber-wealthy!!!

Mar 21, 2009 01:29 AM
South Austin Real Estate Blog
Sky Realty South Austin - Austin, TX

In class distinction this guy is what... class C?  all cash...  in some areas cash is king, when it goes hopefully he had the brains to get an accountant attorney to protect some of his other cash.  Imagine, 5 homes of $100,000 .  That could have housed 5 family in many cities. But he made the money and he can spend it however he wants.  As i can spend mine and you can spend yours.  Taste is not class.

Mar 21, 2009 01:53 AM ~ Dallas Real Estate Agent Top Team
Dallas Houses for Rent Dallas Apartment Rentals - Dallas, TX

Lara, money does not purchase class ! I have seen street people with class than ones who live in "luxury homes" Have a great and wonderful weekend !

Mar 21, 2009 01:56 AM
Betina Foreman
WJK Realty - Austin, TX
Realtor, C.N.E., with WJK REALTY

Dear Lara,

I feel all the money in the world can NOT buy class or style. This is an example of an extravagant waste of money.
IMHO that half a million could have done much more if it was donated to: end hunger, help victims of violence, educate children, house the homeless, or reduce global warming, etc... Anything would have been better than this extravagant road hazard.


Mar 21, 2009 02:39 AM
Lara O'Keefe
North Texas Home Finders - McKinney, TX

Jason - you make a good point. These athletes rarely accumulate any wealth.

Jim - some people can handle the money, but others just get a sense of entitlement.

Jackie - true, there are good and bad people in all walks of life.

Pete - yes, he probably made that chrome plater's fiscal year for him! Lol!

Libby - those reality shows are a pefect example of excess and no class.

Michael - funny! Yes, it seems that some pro athletes have a lot of "low" class.

Amy - I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Mar 21, 2009 04:06 AM
Lara O'Keefe
North Texas Home Finders - McKinney, TX

Cameron - I'm not sure that I agree that money can buy you class.

Fernando - I have no doubt in his soccer abilities, just his "taste" in cars.

Karen Anne - well said! More money than brains!

Craig - too funny! Am I missing something or would a gold yacht sink?

Gail - true. Hopefully he will invest some of it for his retirement.

Lynn - sad but true. Money does not buy you class.

Betina - yes, charity would have been a better choice for that much money, but it is his to spend.

Mar 21, 2009 04:16 AM
Craig Rutman
Helping people in transition - Cary, NC
Raleigh, Cary, Apex area Realtor

Lara, I don't know if a gold yacht would sink. Hey if they can float those giant oil tankers who knows?

But if the gold yacht did sink, then he could always buy another chrome Mercedes with the check he gets from his insurance company!

Mar 21, 2009 04:40 AM
Not a real person
San Diego, CA

There are very few athletes with class. Right now, Tiger Woods is the only one I can think of right now, but I know there are more. For the most part, Oprah Winfrey and Bill & Melinda Gates they are not.

Mar 21, 2009 09:18 PM
Steve Loynd
Alpine Lakes Real Estate Inc., - Lincoln, NH
800-926-5653, White Mountains NH

As the saying goes money can't buy you happiness...but it makes a nice down payment. Same goes for class, these athletes may not actually have any class but they can look like it.

Mar 22, 2009 05:12 AM
Lara O'Keefe
North Texas Home Finders - McKinney, TX

Craig - I like the way you think! Too funny :-)

Russel - those are great examples of money with class and giving back to their community.

Steve - that's a good saying. He would look just a little classier if he didn't chrome out his Benz!

Mar 22, 2009 07:23 AM
Greg Nino
RE/MAX Compass - Houston, TX
Houston, Texas

KEY KEY KEY KEY KEY KEY!!! OH, I'd love to key it! ;)

Mar 22, 2009 03:53 PM
Lara O'Keefe
North Texas Home Finders - McKinney, TX

Greg, only you would think of that! Too funny!

Mar 23, 2009 08:10 AM