
Oh I’m Outraged Over the AIG Bonuses—But Not Over Them Being Paid

Mortgage and Lending with Greenville, NC

As the news this week unfolded over the retention bonuses being paid to AIG executives I found myself becoming increasingly outraged. My outrage however, has not been directed over the bonuses being paid. This post is not about the merits of paying the bonuses.


No, rather my outrage is over:

  • The government has known about these bonuses all along
  • This week, they have lied through their teeth about not knowing
  • That Congress would seek an unconstitutional measure to correct their incompetence 


The Bonuses Were Known


There is no way I believe the powers that be did not know about these retention bonuses before hand. These were pre-existing contracts. It is not uncommon for business to utilize end of year bonuses. Government agents are now on the board of AIG. For Congress and the Administration to feign this outrage as if they did not know is disingenuous. Let me say it again, these were pre-existing employment contracts! If they did not know, are we to think them incompetent? If they did know, are they playing us for fools? Maybe, I should temper my thoughts. After all, Congress passed a stimulus package they never read. Could it be they did not know?



Lying Through Their Teeth


Everyone is ducking for cover now that the payments of the retention bonuses have been completed. Geithner, says he did not know about the bonuses until March 10th. BS! Is this possibly parsing of words and this really means that on March 10th he learned the checks were being distributed? Please don’t lie to my face!


The worst, however, is Sen. Christopher Dodd. He has the gall to stand before us and tell us he did not know the language was inserted about exempting restrictions on bonuses if contracted before February 11, 2009. Senator Dodd is it too much to ask, if you are not going to read the entire bill you might at least read the amendment that has your name on it?


Fast forward! Then Dodd backtracks and admits he had conversations with the administration about inserting the language. A plea to the people of Connecticut PLEASE HELP THIS MAN FIND OTHER EMPLOYMENT!


Unconstitutional Measures


Now to continue the fakery of Congress’s outrage there are two bills being considered to tax the bonuses. One has already passed the house that will tax the bonuses at 90%. This is a bill of attainder and is unconstitutional! Article I, Section 9; No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed. You can not single out a group for punishment.


While I am disgusted that our elected officials think us such idiots to believe they did not know in advance of this situation or that they would so blatantly lie to us this is not my biggest concern. My biggest concern is the move to tax the bonuses at a rate of 90%.


The figure of $250,000 has come up a number times during the Presidential campaign and since. This has now become the definition of rich. “Everyone making less than $250,000 will receive a tax cut” “Those making more than $250,000 will have their taxes increased”


Let me state for the record I have never made $250,000 or more a year, but I do not begrudge those that do. What I see as the end result of this unconstitutional attempt on AIG bonuses is the passage of exorbitantly high taxes on those making more than $250,000 per year. The only question is will this just be for certain groups or will it be for everyone in those income brackets and above?


Do we really want to choke off the entrepreneurial spirit? Do we really want to strip out the talent needed to run our corporations? Do we really want to see talented people leave the country? Do we really want to see corporations move off shore more than they already are? If you do, let Congress continue down this path.


Concerned? Yes!

Outraged? With out a doubt!


Jay Williams


Karen Anne Stone
New Home Hunters of Fort Worth and Tarrant County - Fort Worth, TX
Fort Worth Real Estate

Jay:  Previous administrations have done nothing to stop corporations from moving "offshore."  I agree that if the current AIG mess continues... and sanctions appear to be headed by lynch mobs... it will only encourage other corporations to head overseas... or offshore.  That does not benefit US... it benefits them.

Mar 22, 2009 06:17 AM
Pacita Dimacali
Alain Pinel - Oakland, CA
Alameda/Contra Costa Counties CA

I am outraged too. But one of the things that truly bother me about this is the kind of message that this is delivering: that one can screw up royally, and still get bonuses!

When I was in corporate America, our bonuses were tied to how profitable our company is and how well we did based on our goals for the past year. If we didn't do well, there were no bonuses. And no one complained. We were thought bonuses are earned when we do a good job.

These people did such a horrible job and plunged their company into near-destruction that they needed government help. And they get bonuses? It's truly mind-boggling!

Mar 22, 2009 06:17 AM
x Bye Bye
x - Bay Minette, AL
Delete Account

Jay - I agree with your post.  The word Politician is fast becoming like a four letter word. 

Karen - Washington for several decades have been been pushing our corporation overseas through our tax code and government interference.

Mar 22, 2009 08:49 AM
Jay Williams
Greenville, NC - Greenville, NC
Mortgage Loan Officer - Getting You The Right Loan

Karen Anne, I'm concerned that when it comes to 90% tax rates tp those over 250k that there may be more than meets the eye. Which group will they single out next if they are allowed to get away with it?


Mar 22, 2009 08:55 AM
Jay Williams
Greenville, NC - Greenville, NC
Mortgage Loan Officer - Getting You The Right Loan

Pacita, I can understand the outrage of the AIG'ers being granted the money. There is a difference between a performance bonus and retention bonus by intent.

Again my outrage is they knew about and have now lied about it. More concerning is the tax elelment and the all too used benchmark of 250k. I predict there will be more of that to be tried. After all, the stated goal is to redistribute the wealth.


Mar 22, 2009 09:14 AM
Terry Haugen STAGE it RIGHT! 321-956-2495
Stage it Right! - Melbourne, FL

Jay, I don't think tying the tax increases on the 250k group and taxing the AIG bonuses is correct.  Congress, and indeed the IRS can mandate the "tax rates" for various income levels, i.e. 250k or over on annual income.  But the AIG bonus taxes are something all together different, and without checking the constitution, I personally think it can't be legally done.  But you're right, everyone knew about the bonuses as far back as last Fall.  The government not only has convenient amnesia, but the think "we" are still not paying attention.  WRONG!

Mar 22, 2009 09:20 AM
Jay Williams
Greenville, NC - Greenville, NC
Mortgage Loan Officer - Getting You The Right Loan

Brian,just being upfront would go a long way. That apparently is not part of their nature. When caught so blatantly as Dodd was this week do we ever believe him. Not me.

All these politicians care about is maintaining their power by being re-elected. They count on our collective short memories.


Mar 22, 2009 10:01 AM
Jay Williams
Greenville, NC - Greenville, NC
Mortgage Loan Officer - Getting You The Right Loan

Terry, of course I can stand corrected, but everything I've heard is the proposed 90% tax applies to household income. This proposal not only includes AIG, but any company that has received TARP money.

An unintended consequence is credit will remain restricted as corporations hoard money to pay back the TARP money to avoid the bonus tax, if passed.


Mar 22, 2009 11:24 AM
Scott Smith
Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage - Gloucester, MA
Gloucester & Rockport, Massachusetts

Jay: You have heard wrong.

Mar 23, 2009 12:15 AM
Jay Williams
Greenville, NC - Greenville, NC
Mortgage Loan Officer - Getting You The Right Loan

Scott, OK enlighten me

Mar 24, 2009 03:32 PM
Jay Williams
Greenville, NC - Greenville, NC
Mortgage Loan Officer - Getting You The Right Loan

Rick, thanks I appreciate the encouragement. You must have made this comment from the outside. Talk to you later.


Mar 24, 2009 11:46 PM
Susan Haughton
Long and Foster REALTORS (703) 470-4545 - Alexandria, VA
Susan & Mindy Team...Honesty. Integrity. Results.

Jay, I am with you and equally outraged the administration, the politicians and the media is playing this card when the facts are not even out there to support their supposed outrage.  The Wall Street Journal had an excellent editorial in yesterday's paper, which said, in part,

"There is not a shred of justice in the hysteria that followed. As AIG chief Ed Liddy explained on the Hill last week, the people receiving retention bonuses were not the same people who launched AIG's unhedged housing bets that brought the company down. Those people were gone. Their pay is already being clawed back."

This issue is not complicated when one knows the facts.  Unfortunately, it appears too many people prefer to get their news from 30 second soundbytes rather than digging a little deeper to find out what is going on. 


Mar 25, 2009 01:30 AM
Jay Williams
Greenville, NC - Greenville, NC
Mortgage Loan Officer - Getting You The Right Loan

Susan, the more I hear the more frightened I become for what is happening to our country. Seizing companies based on the Treasury Department's definition. Are we heading to a dictatorship?


Mar 28, 2009 09:47 AM