economic collapse in the palm of my hand Economic Collapse   How the Downturn is Good for Your Business

A couple thoughts I wanted to share with you regarding the economic
recession we’re experiencing. All we hear is bad news of course, but I
argue there are a lot of upsides…

  • If the recession causes us to save more money and spend
    less, I say “Bring it”.
  • If the recession forces us to look at our businesses
    critically and get creative, adding value for our customers in new and
    innovative ways, I say “Since when is innovation and creativity a bad thing?”
  • If the recession requires that we cut off any dead weight,
    run our lives leaner and cut any wastefulness from our lives, I say
    “Thank God. It’s about time.”
  • If the recession means we fix our car
    instead of buying another new one that we can’t really afford, I say
    “Good call. Fine by me.”
  • If the recession means we only create jobs and hire people
    for positions we know are essential, productive and sustainable, I say
    “Those the exactly the kind of jobs we need.”

This economic recession, collapse or whatever you want to call it is
not over. The latest bump in the stock market may very well prove to be
shortlived…a few months to a year or so. And then what? Lower numbers
than ever before is what. The problem is that we’re in the hole as a
nation, and all we’re doing right now is to simply dig the hole deeper.
It has yet to be explained to me why this insano logic is the right
call, but be that as it may, it IS the direction we’re headed. And I’m
not worried about it one bit.

We Will Survive

We will survive, and thrive, yet again. We got through the 70’s, and
aside from some really bad movies, we got through it just fine. Some
pundits are professing we’re facing much worse than that, and I don’t yet see a
strong argument as to why that shouldn’t be the case. Just the same,
I’m not worried about it, because what we do as individuals, as human
beings, will always remain intact.

The world is changing. Guess what…that’s not news! Change is imminent
today, just as it has always been. I think many of us here in the US
simply find it inconceivable our currency could go completely belly up.
Forget the fact that we’ve killed one currency already, and forget the
fact that currencies have died one after another for all of recorded
history…we somehow STILL think it will never happen to us.

Again, I’m open to the argument as to why we’re somehow now beyond this, and how by behaving the same way nations have in years past we shouldn’t expect
a similar result. But so far, no one has even approached explaining it
to me. All I’ve heard so far is that we don’t know it won’t work. And I
have to admit that’s true. On a fundamental level of course, none of us know a
damn thing. That said, wouldn’t it be prudent to ere on the side of
historical precedent? I don’t know…perhaps we WANT this
kind of change. I feel it’s entirely possible that the American people
simply desire a Facist-type scenario right about now. As I’ve
said…things change.

How We Create Wealth Changes

How we strive and thrive is bound to change. How we define wealth is
bound to change. If you’re definition of prosperity and wealth are so
narrow as to only include an MTV Cribs-type life, well then you are a
very limited individual who needs to crack a book every now and then,
aren’t you? My point? This downturn is real, it’s not over, it’s
awesome, and it is bringing about just as much opportunity to create
wealth as it is killing. But make no mistake…it IS killing certain
opportunities. It is not time to wait for things to “go back to
normal”. Normal, my friends, is dead. New rules, new paradigms, new
game plans and business models are the order of the day. Fast is just
as important as good. Don’t know the new rules, you say? Neither does
anyone else…that’s what makes this time so turbulent and awesome. Pure, unadulterated opportunity is born of chaos, and I think what we’re experiencing today is nothing short of that. And it’s just beginning!

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