
Help me fight Asthma. Help me SAVE LIVES!!

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Asthma is a part of Caitlin's everyday life. She was diagnosed when she was around 1.5yrs old. Since that time she has been on a minimum of 4 breathing treatments a day which include 5 different medications. She usually ends up in the emergancy room or rushed into the dr office at least every 3-4 months despite all the medications. At this point we are still unsure of what is causing her asthma but her new dr's at Phoenix Children's Hospital are actively trying to find out. She is a very active and energetic 4 yr old and I want to do everything I can to ensure she lives a happy and full life.

Caitlin is my granddaughter. I also have a daughter that has severe asthma and I also have asthma so this is very important to me.

Please join me in my efforts to MAKE AN IMPACT in the lives of the estimated 35 million Americans who suffer from asthma. Your donation to the American Lung Association can help MAKE AN IMPACT by funding life saving research, and life changing education and advocacy efforts.

To help MAKE AN IMPACT and save lives, I have signed up as a participant in the American Lung Association's Blow the Whistle on Asthma Walk. I have set a personal fundraising goal of $500. I would appreciate your support in helping me reach this goal. Please visit my personal web page and follow the instructions to make a secure online donation. Thank you in advance for your generous support and for MAKING A DIFFERENCE.

CLICK HERE to visit my personal web page.