
Twitter as a source of real estate business [video]

Services for Real Estate Pros with HomeStomper

Go inside my Twitter account and see the response when I asked the question, "Realtors, have you gotten business from Twitter?"

If you want to get some deeper insight into how to harness social media for your real estate business, then you might want to check out this upcoming teleseminar where I grill a guy who, while just a kid in college, used social media to grow a mortgage business.

You can get the details here.

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Robert Hammerstein
Christie's International Real Estate - Hillsdale, NJ
Bergen County NJ Real Estate

Mark - It's very interesting to me how people are getting these referrals. I have been on twitter since the early days. Not really tweeting a lot but lurking and learning mostly. Our blogs used to dominate the search engines in our area of NJ but have since disappeared for some reason. I am really curious as to why this has happened. It's a bit disconcerting to have seen this happen on Google as we have been blogging for years now on A/R. Any insight into this?

Mar 23, 2009 11:37 AM
Mark Eckenrode
HomeStomper - Maricopa, AZ

@robert: i agree, it's very interesting to see what's happening... what's the next stage of evolution?

in regards to search results... there could be a number of different reasons but the most apparent would be the growing number of real estate blogs. heck, even blogs covering similar topics (mortgage, finance, etc) could have muscled into your turf. on top of that, if AR is your sole blog google might be looking at AR differently than before as the amount of content on AR has grown.

one thing we do know is that google is looking more favorably upon social media sites. content alone doesn't weigh as much as it used to. google is ranks based on authority and relevance and they're using social media to help determine what people find important and relevant. so, social media could be a great link building avenue for you.

Mar 23, 2009 12:11 PM