
Tuning out the media, retaining your ROI and Staging......

Home Stager with Spaces Refined Inc.

I have tuned out the media! At a recent networking meeting a speaker asked the group to repeat after me. "I refuse to be in a recession". Powerful words. It was very refreshing to recite them.

Fortunately, my business has continued to hum in this  "half time", media induced chapter of the recession.  Positive signs do abound. Media can be an asset in spreading positive news, it can also be a detriment to a business. Remaining positive and spreading the word is my new MANTRA. Preserving the  opportunity to assist clients in making the best decision for themselves and their single most important investment.

When speaking to my clients...I always like to refer to "ROI". In simple terms = return on investment. With a home being your single most important asset. Yes indeed, there are many other circumstances that are beyond this scope. Inside Out Home Staging and Redesign Inc. is successfully assisting clients in preparing their properties for sale. Staging has always been a necessity for occupied and vacants alike. We are seeing an obvious growing need for vacant staging. Moving the inventory through the proper channels quickly.  Allowing the property owner to regain power thus taking control through professional staging.   

Investment in Staging your property prior to listing will increase your chances of selling in a reasonable amount of time. Staging works! Give it a try sometime. Your buyers will love what they see.

For more information in the Lake Country area of Chicago, Illinois. Please contact Gina Metzger, ASP, IAHSP. Inside Out Home Staging and Redesign, Inc. (Lake Zurich, IL)  1-630-915-3571.

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Margaret Oscilia
Creative Concepts-Home Staging and Contracting, Salem Oregon - Salem, OR
Home Stager, Salem Oregon

Our area has been hit with recessions before, and will again I'm sure -- it just seems the media loves to broadcast the negative only.  We've continued to thrive in this economy, and while we don't want to be insensitive to others that have perhaps lost jobs we agree -- it's time to get out of the Recession Depression and look for opportunities!

Mar 24, 2009 01:45 AM
Gina Metzger
Spaces Refined Inc. - Lake Zurich, IL

Thank you for your comment Margaret. 

We sympathize with those that have been caught up in this economic nightmare. Reports are staggering.  Listening to the news will just worsen the situation.

In short, let's get out there and make a difference. There is strenght in numbers!



Mar 24, 2009 02:23 AM