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Lee County Realtors

Members: 60

Posts: 410

Founded: 09/09/2007

I wanted to take the time to thank you for visiting my profile today. We have our website completed and wanted to feature your properties that you are listing on our site, as well as any other Realtors in your area that want to be able to reach more customers. We are particularly interested in finding properties in the Lee County area. We also would like to put a link with your information under the Recommended Professionals tab so that people visiting our site will have a chance to see who they are dealing with and it also gives you credibility as well as more coverage in the local market. We are currently one of the most qualified broker agents in the area with a very wide range of products. We have the ability to write the following types of loans. · FHA – The government as of today is going to make this a very popular loan to use and we are making it one of strong points · Fannie Mae · Freddy Mac · Reverse Mortgages · Conforming · Non-conforming (Sub-Prime) · Commercial For customers with challenged credit we are also doing in house credit repair. The idea is to help the customer get to the point that they can get into their dream home. The fees are upfront, but if the customer closes their loan with our company they will be reimbursed the fee. Please go to our website and see for yourself the type of company we are. The link to the site is below. Respectfully your, David Resendes


David Resendes

Mortgage and Lending