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Wild Wednesday

Members: 33

Posts: 453

Founded: 04/09/2011

Welcome to the Wild Wednesday Group!!! This is a group for anyone and everyone to post their Wild Wednesday blog posts! There are two main rules that members of the group need to adhered to: 1.You are asked to follow the ActiveRain requirement of your blog post to have at less 50 words in order to receive points. 2. All Blog Posts, Photos, Slide shows and videos should be of a G rating for a General Reading Audiences, lets keep our group a family oriented format group. So please lets not have any obscene, offensive, or blog posts that would depict personages in any manner deemed derogatory. Those kind of blog posts sure will be deleted from the Wild Wednesday group. Lets keep a positive way of contributing to the enjoyment and enlightenment of our respective readers of our blog posts.


Dale Baker

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