Members: 107
Posts: 495
Founded: 11/16/2007
"If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one." ~Mother Teresa~ ACTIVIST Rain is about one thing...AND ONE THING ONLY...recognizing that ONE PERSON can change the world...ONE SIMPLE ACT of KINDNESS and LOVE at a time. IF you have ever looked around you and felt overwhelmed by all the VIOLENCE, POVERTY, TRAGEDY, APATHY, GREED, HOSTILITY, DISHARMONY and HOPELESSNESS in the world...THEN DECIDED TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT...you might just be an ACTIVIST! This group is for ALL of YOU who are READY TO TAKE A STAND...a STAND for TRUTH...a STAND for JUSTICE...a STAND for PEACE...a STAND for CARING about MANKIND...a STAND for INTEGRITY...a STAND for the HEALING of OUR NATION. "Together we STAND...divided we FALL." "IF you don't STAND for SOMETHING...you'll FALL for ANYTHING!"
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