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Group Members
Kelly Blake
Real Estate Agent - Lilburn, GA
Group Member Since: 06/16/08
John Davis
Real Estate Agent - Philadelphia, PA
Group Member Since: 01/10/11
Services for Real Estate Pros - Binghamton, NY
Group Member Since: 09/11/08
Agent Caravans

Members: 3

Posts: 3

Founded: 06/16/2008

This Agent Caravan group was created to help real estate agents use agent caravans more effectively. By promoting your properties through Agent Caravans, you can market your homes to a greater audience and benefit from networking opportunities, as well as increasing your chances of selling your home inventory. What better way to learn about specific markets then to physically visit them with your colleagues and exchange ideas and feedback. Agent caravans are a win-win for everyone! Your seller will be happy, your broker will be happy, and you will be happy! The best part is that you'll learn about different markets, make new friends and sometimes even enjoy food while winning prizes!


Kelly Blake

Real Estate Agent