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A Newbie Contest - Fall into Blogging as Fall Approaches

Members: 15

Posts: 12

Founded: 09/26/2009

This is a contest for newbies. Please follow the rules....and read this post... http://activerain.com/blogsview/1256730/an-active-rain-newbie-contest-fall-into-blogging-as-fall-approaches-09-26-09 . Who is eligible? Anyone on this site less than 6 months and who has never had a feature. Yes, if you have been on here for less than 6 months, but have received a feature, you can't enter. For some of you that don't know, a feature is that little Gold Star that you get at the bottom of your post and your blog is placed on the main page of Active Rain. Those blogs being featured in the AR groups don't count as an AR feature. 2. Number of entrees per person will be limited to (2) and it must be completely original and authored by you. Any plagiarism found will be deleted and may be posted on Rich Jacobson's "wanted for plagiarism" post. 3. Submit your post to : Dedicated Bloggers, Bloggers Choice Selections, No Writer's Block Allowed!, and anywhere else that it may apply to, depending on your topic or subject. 4. Make sure that the title of your blog has this some where in the title "An Active Rain Newbie Contest - Fall into Blogging as Fall Approaches". 5. You must include the following in your Tag words below : "An Active Rain Newbie Contest - Fall into Blogging as Fall Approaches". If you don't, you won't qualify. 6. DEADLINE for submitting entries is Sunday, October 4th, 2009 at midnight. 7. Winners will be announced Tuesday, October 6th. 8. Only 200 points will be awarded per PERSON regardless of the number of entries submitted - with the exception of the Winners. thanks, jeff


Jeff Belonger

Mortgage and Lending