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Door Knocking, Walk Abouts and Other Neighborhood Experiences

Members: 156

Posts: 120

Founded: 01/15/2007

Stories, anecdotes and enlightenment from each of us who choose to incorporate grass roots marketing along with technological marvels. If you physically mix with your neighborhoods, we know you have some real estate related stories to tell. So share with us! Give us some scientific data too. How many homes were your target goal? How many stop and drops, how many conversations, what were the topic of conversation? Did you leave a brochure, business card, frisbee or something similar? Do you think that person will remember you? Did anyone volunteer leads? Did anyone bite you or growl at you? PS: This is not the place to put your listings, there are more appropriate groups for listings. This group is chiefly about one on one neighborhood experiences.


M. Suzi Woods (Gravenstuk)

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