Members: 123
Posts: 1581
Founded: 08/01/2007
Calling all REALTORĀ®s who love heritage properties and historic sites and enjoy blogging about them, all home stagers who enjoy using antiques when staging a home, all home inspectors who write about special issues to watch for when inspecting historic properties or things they came across when inspecting an historic home/property, all mortgage professionals who put together loans/mortgages for the purchase and renovation of historic properties and any and all members who just plain love history, heritage and antiques. Please join and post any and all blogs that have to do with history, heritage, antiques, etc here ! If it touches on the old, heritage and historical , it is welcome. This includes blogs about villages/areas that endeavour to preserve the old-tyme feel and community spirit as well as blogs about people from the past who left a lasting legacy for those around them and their communities. Heritage and historical homes/property listings are also welcome here. Jo
Industry Observer