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Members: 24

Posts: 81

Founded: 03/06/2010

Underwriting is, let's face facts, a bit of a mystery to many real estate professionals. Yet it is fundamental to the practice of our business; nothing gets done without it. This group is created with the intention of attracting participation from bright and committed underwriters nationwide in posting insightful blog entries and comments that the entire real estate community can benefit by. Other uses might include: (1) forewarnings of upcoming guideline changes, (2) clarification of existing guidelines, (3) suggestions on troubleshooting common loan problems, (4) commentary on trends, (5) announcements of education resources, (6) funny rants and anecdotes and many more. Underwriting becomes less of a mystery when all real estate disciplines communicate on the matter and through this, all borrowers benefit.


Charles Dailey

Mortgage and Lending