Moved over to them and glad that I did! (by mikey1sdf)
60.00 % thought this review was helpful
Moved my sites to Placester a few months ago, and though we did have one crazy week, its been a great move for me. I have moved all my sites over, and even added domains, and plan to add those to Placester very soon.
Endorsed by NAR, and if you are a Realtor, you even get a discount on the service, which helps with your monthly expenses.
Great looking sites, Wordpress based for functionality, and lots of "bells and whistles" that I like and use. At the same time, unlike Wordpress and having to use it for your sites, you won't get bogged down like I was with updating all the time with new plug-ins, etc., and it will load much more quickly. Plus fully SEO friendly, and Responsive with indexing too!
My sites are still works in progress, but check out my profile and take a look at a few of them! Let me know what you think?
If you have any questions about my Placester experience before you get your site(s), feel free to text or call me. I am always available to help fellow Realtors.