Jennifer Macie, Search Homes for Sale in Cobb, Bartow and Cherokee (PalmerHouse Properties) Real Estate Agent



Jennifer Macie
Search Homes for Sale in Cobb, Bartow and Cherokee
location_on Acworth, GA — PalmerHouse Properties
Get to Know Jennifer Macie


 Buying and Selling Real Estate can be challenging in the best of Economic times so take the pressure off and hire a Experienced Realtor to do the "tough stuff" for you. 

How to hire a Realtor...

Ask a close Friend to assist you in the process Hire a previous Realtor that you had success Make sure to interview the Realtor for their qualification, experience, and marketing ideas.



SOLD                                              SOLD                                                 SOLD

3534 Jasmine Triangle                923 Rice Street                                   4285 Buford Valley Way

Duluth Ga 30096                           Atlanta Ga                                           Buford, Ga

$75,000                                           $229,500                                             $98,000

Sold Listing                                     Happy Buyer                                         Happy buyer



Thanks for visiting my Active Rain site. 

I've been a Realtor for 8 years in Georgia, covering most of all the metro Atlanta counties. 

I currently work for Palmerhouse Properties, located in Buckhead.  Our 8 offices are located throughtout metro Altanta, with over 1200 agents.

I have completed the Georgia Training Center Certification in BPO and Asset Management, specializing in Foreclosures and short sales.


Call me to discuss the options you have for listing your home/property