Nermeen Ghneim, Banking and Personal Finance Blogger (SavvyDollar) Industry Observer



Nermeen Ghneim
Banking and Personal Finance Blogger
location_on Frederick, MD — SavvyDollar
Get to Know Nermeen Ghneim

The motivation for SavvyDollar came after my husband and I made the tough decision to move our family to a higher priced home in a good school distric. The mission for SavvyDollar is to share and discuss ways you can earn supplimental income and still maintain a good quality of life.

Here are some popular articles from SavvyDollar:

Private School or Move to a Better School District?

7 Tips to Raise Financially Savvy Kids

Paid Online Surveys That Pay the Most

5 Simple Ways to Save Money on Groceries

12 Simple Ways to Earn Free Amazon Gift Cards


Personal Finance Blogger - Favorite Quote: “A budget is telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went.” — John Maxwell