- Topic: ActiveRain Community
How different is my market from yours? What is the longest day on market (DOM)? in your market?
- Topic: Just for Fun
Today is a holiday... Anybody working?
- Topic: Home Improvement
Carbon Monoxide Detectors and Smoke Alarms! Rehabbing an older home. What do you recommend? Combo? Brand? Hardwire, battery, or both? Location? How many? "Smart" detectors w/phone apps? What else?
Less than a year ago, I sold a house for $660k. Today, the same house is in escrow for $724k a gain of $65k. Are you seeing prices go up, down or stay the same? Another 2 observations I noticed by
- Topic: Just for Fun
Do you know that every day?
- Topic: Just for Fun
Least Attractive Car You Ever Owned? In The 1970's, There Were Some Doozies.
- Topic: Real Estate Best Practices
Trial And Error On What Works And Why. YouTube Video Question, Your YouTube Real Estate Channel. Anything Learned From Trial And Error, Not Just Rehash Of What The Experts Say To Do Or Not?
- Topic: ActiveRain Community
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is on the chopping block. Has the CFPB been good for the Real Estate Industry? Have they done anything besides favoring the new CD form over the old HUD-1?