You're Getting Good at This
For the second year in a row, the ActiveRain real estate community has put their collective knowledge to the test in order to predict how the real estate market will play out in the coming year. Last year, as a group, we collectively called the bottom of the market. All signs would suggest we nailed it!
This year, 2400 of you responded to the survey ActiveRain offered asking you what you expected real estate in your area to do in 2013. 84% of you expect real estate values and the number of transactions will increase in 2013. This number is staggering in many ways. I can't think of one thing where you would get this much agreement when taking the tempature of 2400 members of the real estate community.
Bullish on 2013
Last year, our members predicted that 1/3 of the markets in the country would see price declines. This year? Not a single market! As a group, our members expect every single major market in the US to see price increases in 2013. If you guys were a bull on the housing market, you would be Paul Bunyan's OX, babe.
Below is the infographic we put together based on the data from the survey. If you'd like the full report you can head over to and get all the juicy details.
We would love if you would share this infographic in your blog. The national media has been jumping all over the doom and gloom of the real estate market for the last five (or has it been longer?) years. It's our responsibility as content creators to trumpet the return of the market.
This is Great News, Share It!
To that end, on Friday, March 22nd at 10am Pacific Time we are going to host a webinar that focuses on how to share this kind of real estate news with your sphere. How can you take advantage of all the great real estate news you are predicting will be headed our way in the foreseeable future? We'll talk about that if you'd like to join us. Click this link to get signed up for the webinar.
Enough about all that, here's the pretty pictures.......and for you data geeks, here's the more thorough breakdown.
(Click above for high resolution image)
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