Huntington Lake -- California
By Randy "Lazarus" McAtee, Owner/Broker, Lazarus Realty, Fresno California
(Lazarus Realty)
A good friend of mine just purchased a cabin in Huntington Lake (photo left). NO, I did not participate in the transaction; he bought the property for-sale-by-owner directily from the owner. From what I know of the transaction though, it appears he got a screaming good deal. This weekend a group of us when up to help him do a little work on it. I'll admit I didnt do too much work but my son Joshua made up for what little I contributed. Another friend of ours happens to also own a cabin up there and she we gracious enough to allow us to use it for the weekend (photo right) It was pretty warm this weekend in Fresno but as you can see from the images it was snowing at Huntington Lake. Sunday morning I walked along the lake and took the picturees below. Huntington Lake is in the high Sier...