Buying A Condo Is Not As Easy As It Seems
By Elyse Berman, PA, Boca Raton FL (561) 716-7824
(LoKation Real Estate)
Buying A Condo Is Not As Easy As It SeemsBuying a condo is easy or so you would think. We see it in commercials and ads all the time. They say, go online and apply for a mortgage - one, two, three. What they don't tell you is real estate is local.From my experience as a buyer's agent in Boca Raton, I'm telling you it's not so.Buying a condo is not as easy as it appears.With all the publicity about the NAR settlements in the news, buyers are hearing all sorts of things these days. They're thinking, We can go online and buy a condo. Who needs a buyer's agent? Let's apply for a loan online and just call the listing agent.After 20 years as a full-time Realtor and retired Court Reporter in Boca Raton, I'm here to tell you you need representation. More than you realize. You need a g...