
Immokalee, FL Real Estate News

By Captain Wayne - Rowlett Real Estate School, Rowlett Real Estate School / Owner and Instructor
(Rowlett Real Estate School)
As one of the leading Immokalee Real Estate Schools in Collier County, all our real estate courses are state approved and fully accredited.  Online Real Estate Courses in Immokalee Florida for Sales Associates and Brokers are available with Rowlett Real Estate School at     Rowlett Real Estate School can help you achieve your goals online in the comfort of your own home with our Immokalee Real Estate School Online courses to meet every license needs.    If you would like to get your Real Estate License in Immokalee with the best Online Immokalee Real Estate School and begin selling real estate in Collier County, Rowlett Real Estate School is your number one choice in Florida Online real estate schools.  We are proud to sa...
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By Colleen Irwin, Creative Real Estate Solutions...
In My Previous Post about Collier County I gave you information that I found checking out the website that is a cooperative effort funded by the Collier County Tourist Development Tax with Naples, Marco Island and the Everglades.  I just got the October edition of the Business Currents which is the print magazine for the and in it gives some very interesting projections for what Collier County will look like in 2026.  So what does this mean?  Well it means that the prices we are experiencing right now are not going to stay low for very long.  In fact those that thought that the opportunity passed you by in 2003 have another opportunity to get in while the getting is good.  Perhaps there may be another dip in prices, but if you are looking for a long term in...
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Immokalee, FL Real Estate Professionals