
Bourbon County, KY Real Estate News

By Paul Campbell Realtor Lexington, Kentucky Homes for Sale
(Rector Hayden, Lexington, Ky)
Paris Kentucky homes for sale continue to be a great buy. Paris is in Bourbon County which lies mostly northeast of Lexington had only twelve homes sale in the month of October. It is still very much a buyer's market with nine month's inventory for all price ranges. Bourbon County, outlined in red, lies northeast of Lexington Kentucky and is about a 20 minute commute. However there are 21 month's inventory for homes priced between $100,000 and $119,900 and 20 months inventory for homes priced between $160,000 and $179,900. The county seat of Paris is a small town compared to the other county seats in Central Kentucky. Bourbon County is well known for its beautiful horse farms and other agricultual endeavors. Bourbon County is outlined in red on the map above. Paris is about a twenty min...
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By Erby Crofutt, The Central Kentucky Home Inspector, Lexington KY
(B4 U Close Home Inspections&Radon Testing (
Some grow houses need lot's of electricity to work.  This one didn't need any electricity.   Of course this house was just growing mushrooms on the ceiling and wall from a roof leak.  Beautiful 123 year old house not being taken care of very well.  Of course the new buyer hopes to do much better.     -
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By Lizette Fitzpatrick, Lizette Realty, Lexington KY MLS - Kentucky Homes
(Lizette Realty - Richmond KY)
  Ahhhh... "those were the good old days," my Mom and Dad used to say. I can well remember the story of an old Sears refrigerator that they carted all over Wyoming to Laredo Texas when my Dad was in the Air Force back in the 50's. Then they packed it to Richmond, Kentucky and used it for years. Later, it was installed in a apartment and it might still be there! It's over 50 years old! They don't make them like they used to! I was up for the task when a friend mentioned the ugly pink refrigerator in an apartment they bought at auction and were renovating. "Let me see it... I need a picture of it's ugliness for my story!" I said. Off we went to check it out. Sure sho was ugly! Can you imagine a marketing sales meeting at Frigidare where they discussed the latest line of color...
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By Paul Campbell Realtor Lexington, Kentucky Homes for Sale
(Rector Hayden, Lexington, Ky)
Bourbon County prices drop 14 percent in 2010.  In an earlier report I noted that Fayette county just to the southwest of Bourbon County had jumped in prices by 4 percent.  Bourbon county is much more rural and is mostly horse farms.  If there were even one more horse farm that sold in 2009 that could affect the price difference.  However a 14 percent drop must have other factors that are causing the price decline. I suspect the largest factor is that there is no large employer base in Bourbon County.  The closest large employer is the Toyoto factory in Georgetown.  I suspect though that most of the people who work at Toyoto would find it much more convenient to live in Lexington if they were not going to live where they work in Georgetown. If you are interested in living amongst the ho...
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By Erby Crofutt, The Central Kentucky Home Inspector, Lexington KY
(B4 U Close Home Inspections&Radon Testing (
Geocaching in Bourbon County, KY Having recently read Cindy Edwards' blog about Geocaching, it's a great family thing. I was, fortunately, well aware of what exactly I was looking at this afternoon. I took a little by-way side trip today, on my way home from a Carlisle Kentucky area home inspection, to see an old covered bridge I hadn't see before (though I'd passed the directional sign many times. Kentucky's Disappearing Covered Bridges is the blog I wrote about the Colville Covered Bridge. However, while poking around the bridge looking at it's architecture, I saw something a ways away that just didn't fit in. See the little white spot at the bottom of the arrow.                              Curiosity may have killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.  So I walked up a little ...
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By Erby Crofutt, The Central Kentucky Home Inspector, Lexington KY
(B4 U Close Home Inspections&Radon Testing (
  Kentucky's Disappearing Covered Bridges  I was on my way home from home inspections in the Carlisle, KY area, driving down Highway 32 between Cynthiana, KY and Millersburg, KY, when I saw a sign I'd seen several times in my travels.  Colville Covered Bridge            I'd promised myself every time (almost) that one of these days when I had the time, I was going to go see the Colville Covered Bridge. Anyway, having finished my Carlisle Kentucky Home Inspections a little early today, I thought, what better day (okay, warm sunshine would have been better than cool and rainy but, what the heck)  to see an old Kentucky Covered Bridge Treasure, so left turn I went.  (Kentucky supposedly had over 400 covered bridges at one time, though they're disappearing a bit at a time.) A few miles down...
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By Tom Larkin
This is the home of true bourbon whiskey, which was shipped north to the Ohio River and then on by riverboat to the world in barrels stamped Old Bourbon.  True bourbon whisky has a finicky range of requirements, primary of which is its mash must be at least 70% corn, and it must be aged for 4 years.  It owes its renowned smoothness to the local limestone-filtered water.  The same ground water that makes our bourbon whisky uniquely drinkable has made our Thoroughbreds great racehorses.  The county is underlain by high-phosphatic limestone, or karst, derived from the skeletons of sea life deposited during the Ordovician era, roughly 460 million years ago when this area was warm, inland sea. Be aware that not all Bourbon County land offers this karst substratum! There are geological fault ...
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By Tom Larkin
Bourbon County.  Settlers first moved into this area northeast of Lexington around 1776, building on the watershed of what was to become Stoner Creek.  At the time, this area was part of Virginia, and covered a huge, unsettled swath of northeastern Kentucky. It was named in honor of French Royal House of Bourbon by the Virginians, in gratitude for France’s assistance to America in our War of Independence from England.  Bourbon County was officially founded on October 17th, 1785 and the appropriately named town of Paris designated the county seat. In time, the Bourbon County of Virginia was divided into 18 Kentucky counties.   Bourbon County sits at 715 to 1050 feet above sea level, covering 292 square miles of land with one square mile of water.  It is primarily agrarian, with rolling h...
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What is the #1 feature that the Internet consumer uses to choose which web site that they use for their Real Estate needs. SEARCH FUNCTION,PERIOD; Ease of use, speed and user friendliness. Why would you make someone register for something that they can get everywhere without signing up and being spammed by some Realtor???. Hellloooooooooooo If you want to see a top flight, unrestricted search go to Bluegrass Trophy Properties  
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By Tom Larkin
What affect the decline in the September sales will have in the Real Estate market in the coming months. With many farms dependant of the cash flow from the sales there is no question that there will be additional properties being put up for sale this fall. Bluegrass Trophy Properties
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By Monica Hess, Kentucky's Feng Shui Master
(Feng Shui This)
Feng Shui This Courthouse in Paris KY Last week I went on a little excursion to Paris without leaving the state.  Our Paris is in Bourbon county, KY.  You can't get more KY than that!  While driving to Paris you can almost feel your blood pressure go down as you gaze over the beautiful green fields with their stately mansions and gorgeous horses.  And, yes...there are even a few cattle on the way.  Horses may get all the attention, (Secretariat lived here and is buried at Claiborne Farms) but here in Kentucky we also love our cattle.  Just ask them, they'll tell you.   But, back to the courthouse.  It's a lovely old building, completed in 1905.   It's here we go to find the tax records and old deeds that realtors always seem to be flipping though.  So, looking at this massive set of ste...
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By Tom Larkin
Here it is, the Big Secret. What do you about a complaint that a property is not being shown and that you are not doing your job. The answer has been around a while but only a handful of realtors know how to use it. The Virtual Tour. And more specifically the tour statistic counter. If you are not using technology to educate clients and addressing complaints you are in for a ton of misery. If you havent sold a property sight unseen by using a virtual tour, you probably havent fully embraced the potential of what you need to be doing on the Internet  1. At every listing presentation you show a sample of the virtual tour and ask the client. Do you think that looking at the Virtual Tour is almost as good as someone visting your property? If you are using a Hi-Def application the answer is ...
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By Tom Larkin
The Keeneland September sales are going thru what I call a 401K adjustment. Does -35% seen familair During Sunday's session, 255 horses sold for $14,843,000, compared to $27,096,500 for 296 horses  during the comparable  2008 session. The drop in average from $91,542 in 2008 to $58,208  this year is 36.4%. The drop in the median price from $70,000 to $45,000 is 35.7%. Bluegrass Trophy Properties
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By Tom Larkin
Bluegrass Trophy Properties in a very short time has been pretty successful in getting out our message. Buying a horse farm is a pretty complicated venture and proper representation is essential. Joe Riddell and Cathy Davis are two of the most experienced in the business and it has been a pleasure introducing them to a broader audience using the very best Internet tools.
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By Tom Larkin
I have received numerous inquires as to what is a Hi-Def virtual tour and what makes it so special. I have been doing tours since 1998 beginiing with Ipix. Early tours took almost a minute to load and the images had most of the resolution sucked out of them in order to load. The Hi-Def platform that I began using in the past year does not alter resolution. These are raw camera images that open to the size of your monitor. That is a dramatic improvement over previous technology and makes evaluating Real Estate online an unbelievable experience! Bluegrass Trophy Properties
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By Tom Larkin
The Keeneland September sale has started with a pretty subdued mood but interest in Real Estate remains strong. I think there is a general belief that farmland is always a good long term investment and prices are at a level in which interest is still there. The Bluegrass region is a finite area, they arent making any more of it ! Bluegrass Trophy Properties
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The model for Bluegrass Trophy Properties has been flexible from its inception. We wanted to showcase Horse farms for sale in Central Kentucky like they had never been done before. Our Condo site was #1 ranked in Google and we have since added a rental site and are now looking at 2 more niche real estate sites. The reason: We know what consumers want as far as Real estate online, period.
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By Tom Larkin
The Hi-Def tours on the rental site should save consumers considerable time and money by allowing you to see the entire view. The 360 view in the front yard will clearly show the neighbors and what is across the street. Back yard views clearly show all neighbors. There is no technology that will deliver this kind of property presentation.
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By Tom Larkin
If by some chance you love the bluegrass region of Kentucky and you didnt see the Woodward stakes from Saratoga Springs in New York yesterday, you missed history in the making. I have posted the video replay on my other daily blog It was really a cool race and inspired many Central Kentucky horse farm owners to keep the course. The next great one could be right there on your farm. Bluegrass Trophy Properties.
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We will be doing a series of videos on Bluegrass  Trophy Properties over the unique elements available in the bluegrass region of Kentucky that make it so conducive to raising great horses. The concentration of the thoroughbred industry right here is not by accident. Its the soil,watger,grass, and expertise that make this region one of a kind.
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