
Arenac County, MI Real Estate News

By Sonya Loose, Helping Buyers & Sellers of Waterfront Property
(Modern Realty)
Price Reduction at 6677 Whitetail Drive, Alger, MI $42,900 MLS #160405 3 bedroom, 2 bath manufactured home built in 1999 with a huge 3 car detached garage. Country living in Arenac County. Not far from Forest Lake. Limited Service Listing. Sold as-is. Access code is C2743. Vacant, no appointment required. For assistance call Altisource Customer Care at 1-855-882-1314 or visit Per the Seller, all offers must be submitted via Buyer to pay an Online Technology Fee and Buyers Premium to at closing - see website for all details.  Click HERE to see more details!!  
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By Sonya Loose, Helping Buyers & Sellers of Waterfront Property
(Modern Realty)
Price Reduction at 6677 Whitetail Drive, Alger, MI $42,900 MLS #160405 3 bedroom, 2 bath manufactured home built in 1999 with a huge 3 car detached garage. Country living in Arenac County. Not far from Forest Lake. Limited Service Listing. Sold as-is. Access code is C2743. Vacant, no appointment required. For assistance call Altisource Customer Care at 1-855-882-1314 or visit Per the Seller, all offers must be submitted via Buyer to pay an Online Technology Fee and Buyers Premium to at closing - see website for all details.  Click HERE to see more details!!  
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By Sonya Loose, Helping Buyers & Sellers of Waterfront Property
(Modern Realty)
Price Reduction at 6677 Whitetail Drive, Alger, MI $46,100 MLS #160405 3 bedroom, 2 bath manufactured home built in 1999 with a huge 3 car detached garage. Country living in Arenac County. Not far from Forest Lake. Limited Service Listing. Sold as-is. Access code is C2743. Vacant, no appointment required. For assistance call Altisource Customer Care at 1-855-882-1314 or visit Per the Seller, all offers must be submitted via Buyer to pay an Online Technology Fee and Buyers Premium to at closing - see website for all details.  Click HERE to visit our website for more details!!
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By Sonya Loose, Helping Buyers & Sellers of Waterfront Property
(Modern Realty)
New listing at 6677 Whitetail Drive, Alger, MI $49,500 MLS #160405    3 bedroom, 2 bath manufactured home built in 1999 with a huge 3 car detached garage. Country living in Arenac County. Not far from Forest Lake. Limited Service Listing. Sold as-is. Access code is C2743. Vacant, no appointment required. For assistance call Altisource Customer Care at 1-855-882-1314 or visit Per the Seller, all offers must be submitted via Buyer to pay an Online Technology Fee and Buyers Premium to at closing - see website for all details.  Click HERE to visit my website for more details!    
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By Donald Horne, Team Success Listing LLC
Residents of AuGres have a weekend of tree lighting ceremonies and holiday festivities to look forward to. The annual AuGres Chamber Tree Lighting and Parade of Lights will be held Saturday the 26th after a number of holiday festivities throughout the day. At 3:00 pm, free carriage rides will be offered at the AuGres-Sims High School courtesy of the Royal Carriage Company. The rides are new this year and will last about 20 minutes, going along Michigan Avenue. At 5:30 pm, caroling at the corner of US-23 and Michigan Avenue will begin, followed by the tree lighting ceremony at the same intersection. Afterwards, the parade will move from the tree lighting to the city pavilion on North Main St, where AuGres city firefighters will be providing hot cocoa and H & H Bakery will offer donut hol...
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By Donald Horne, Team Success Listing LLC
A new nature preserve has opened in the Arenac and northern Bay County area. The Wah Sash Kah Moqua Nature Preserve opened on Tuesday with a dedication ceremony at the preserve's main entrance. According to the spokeperson for the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe, the preserve covers approximately 129 acres of land. The land for the preserve was acquired by the Saginaw Basin Land Conservancy through the United States District Court. The project took 5 years to complete and over 40,000 different trees and shrubs were planted inside the preserve. The preserve is split into 3 parcels. The Saginaw Basin Land Conservancy currently maintains 10 preserves in the Saginaw Bay region, including 5 in Arenac County in the Standish and AuGres areas. The preserve is named after Mary Sagatoo, who married...
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By Donald Horne, Team Success Listing LLC
Federal funds available for landowners to create and improve grassland wildlife habitat in and around the AuGres MI area (saginaw bay). Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) officials remind landowners in the Saginaw Bay and River Raisin basins that federal funds are available to establish, improve and maintain quality grasslands for wildlife. The $100,000.00 fund is available through matching grants. The timing of this couldn't be better as the DNR embarks on pheasant restoration initiative. This money is available in all 3 of the priority areas and should help landowners turn idle or degraded land into quality upland wildlife habitat. Landowners who are interested in improving their grassland habitat should contact their local USDA Service Center.references: iosco news, donsr...
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By Donald Horne, Team Success Listing LLC
AuGres MI to host art and wine walk Kinder Platz Park in AuGres is going to be hit with a little class when the 1st Art, Wine and a Park event is held August 12th and 13th. The event will bring a large number of people into the downtown AuGres area. The Art, Wine and a Park is a 2 day event. Friday, August 12th will feature an art show from 4:00 until 9:30 and wine tasting from 7:00 until 9:30. Another art show will be held Saturday, August 13th from 10:00 until 4:00. Tickets for the wine tasting event will cost $20 per person. The city is also encouraging anyone who wants to enter their art projects to come out. Tickets for the wine tasting can be purchased at AuGres City Hall, Chemical Bank in AuGres and the AuGres Community Library. references: arenac county independent, james kuch, ...
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By Donald Horne, Team Success Listing LLC
The date for the 4th Annual Summer Slam Volleyball Tournament in AuGres has changed as the event looks to expand this year. The tournament, typically held on Labor Day weekend, will be held Aug. 6th this year, to allow more college students to participate. The tournament has evolved over the past few years. The most notable change is that the funds raised will go toward a scholarship fund in memory of Ashley Irwin. The volleyball tournament will feature 4-person teams divided into different categories. Ages 13 and older are eligible to compete in the event and the cost is $15 per person for the round robin tournament. Another new twist to this year's Summer Slam is the addition of a horseshoe tournament. Horseshoe competitors can sign up in 2-person teams. $15 for people to sign up to c...
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By Donald Horne, Team Success Listing LLC
Charity Island cruise held to help foster tourism ideas A group of area business people set off from the East Tawas State Dock last Friday for Charity Island. The 17 mile trip, which featured a tour of the historic Charity Island Lighthouse and lunch, wasn't all pleasure though, important tourism networking was taking place. The excursion was hosted by the Michigan Sea Grant and Michigan State University Extension and was created to explore Lake Huron ecotourism opportunities. It was part of a continuing effort by area agencies to utilize Tawas Bay, Saginaw Bay and Lake Huron to boost tourism that is environmentally sound for the lake, according to Michigan Sea Grant.references: jason ogden, iosco news,
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By Donald Horne, Team Success Listing LLC
The AuGres MI city council will meet with the city's planning commission to discuss the future of the property where the AuGres Water Funland currently sits. Located at 167 N. Water St. in AuGres MI, alongside US-23, has reverted back into the hands of the city. The property was placed into the hands of the Arenac County Treasurer's office after taxes were not paid. 3 years of unpaid taxes adds up to $40,000. The park opened in AuGres MI during the mid 1980s and closed around 4 years ago. It featured a number of attractions including a water park, bumper boats, go carts and an arcade. A few years ago a lot of these items were auctioned off. Schools and campers enjoyed using the park during its heyday, but, there has been a limited amount of interest in the property.references: james kuc...
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By Donald Horne, Team Success Listing LLC
City council believes some census data is incorrect The city of AuGres will be looking into census data results they believe to be incorrect. The census results showing the city's number of residential homes decreasing from 733 to 598 cannot be accurate, leaving behind a negative perception of the city. Water billing records from 2008 showed an increase, based on census data from 2000, in the number of homes in AuGres. The city has a few foreclosed homes in the area, but one of the causes may be the city's seasonal homes that were not accounted for. Results from the census show the citys population fell from 1028 to 889, a decrease of about 13.6%. The potential error could take 4 years to correct.references: james kuch, arenac county independent,
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By Donald Horne, Team Success Listing LLC
The city of AuGres will have a few extra dollars to spend on sprucing up the downtown area after the city council reallocated around $550,000 in bond money, by passing a resolution at its meeting Tuesday, March 1st. Due to receiving a number of grants for projects, bond money that had been collected for the city's Capitol Projects fund since 2007, would have gone toward those projects, will now go toward other improvements for the city. The city is going to look at improving sidewalks, adding to the parks, improving the waste-water treatment plant and buying some new equipment as well.references: james kuch,, arenac county independent
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By Donald Horne, Team Success Listing LLC
Housing commission to hold public hearing County residents will have the opportunity to give input on a plan that would use grant money to repair homes in Standish. The Arenac County Board of Commissioners and the Arenac County Housing Commission have scheduled a public hearing on Tuesday, Feb. 15th, at the Arenac County Building, to review a grant application to the Michigan Development Block Grant Housing Program. The public hearing is a requirement for receiving the grant. The housing commission received $126,300 in state Housing Fund Resource 2009 HOME, money that will go toward helping homeowners in Standish. The target area is on the south side of Cedar St, west of US-23 and covers around 100 homes. The grant money will help low income homeowners who may need help keeping their ho...
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By Donald Horne, Team Success Listing LLC
Commissioners establish wind turbine regulations. Those seeking to construct an electricity producing wind turbine on their property in Arenac County will now have to comply with county inspection regulations. The Arenac County Board of Commissioners voted 4 - 1 to establish regulations regarding the construction of wind turbines within the county at its Jan. 1 meeting. The Board of Commissioners said the measure places the construction of turbines producing electrical energy within the jurisdiction of the county building department. The new regulations enacted by the commissioners require that a permit be purchased to construct a wind turbine, and that 2 inspections be held during construction. The permit and inspections will cost a total of $180. The reasoning behind the decision, is ...
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By Donald Horne, Team Success Listing LLC
The AuGres City Council voted at its regular meeting on 02/01/2011 to join the Michigan Port Collaborative (MPC). The city manager said being a part of the collaborative will help promote AuGres' small harbors. Being a part of the MPC is a great way to market AuGres. There are currently 103 ports in Michigan that are part of the MPC. Nearby areas include East Tawas, Harrisville, Oscoda and areas along the Saginaw River. The goal of the MPC is for small ports across Michigan to come unite. Joining helps all of these ports to get together and inform the public. According to the resolution passed by the city council to join the MPC, AuGres is home to a recreational harbor, a harbor of refuge and a commercial port, meeting the definition of a port community. The resolution also states that ...
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By Donald Horne, Team Success Listing LLC
After originally being discussed by the AuGres City Council as an idea in 1996, and after construction which began more than 2 years ago, AuGres finally has its bike path. The newly completed path stretches from Main St. and travels to the mouth of the AuGres River. The path is estimated to be around 2.5 miles in length and cost approximately $350,000 to complete. The project was paid for thanks to money received from a $750,000 Michigan Economic Development Corp. grant, received in January, and 2, 2.0 percent allocation grants from the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe. The most time consuming and expensive part of the project was the addition of a storm drain, enclosing a ditch that runs alongside of S. Main St. The path is a great edition to the community, AuGres has a number of faciliti...
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The Arenac Soil Conservation District is in the beginning stages of organizing a farmers market for county residents. The administrator for the district received a lot of feedback from people saying they would like to see a market in the county. If enough local farmers express interest, then the district would like to begin the market in the spring or summer of 2011. The district has a 1.5 acre piece of property on East City Limits Rd. which it would use for the market. As far as what type of items would be sold at the market, the main focus would be anything that local growers produce, such as fruits and vegetables, or anything Michigan based. While a couple of larger stores in the community have farmers markets, there is nothing around for the small farmers.references: arenac county i...
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By Donald Horne, Team Success Listing LLC
An auction held at Dunleavey's Eatery & Pub in AuGres, raised a total of $7,833 for the Arenac County Fund. Money for the fund was raised from the auction, a 50-50 raffle, donations from the Arenac County Fund board and donations from people in attendance. Dunleavey's has hosted the auction the past 8 years and was filled with people looking to bid on 80 items. The Arenac County Fund distributed grants to local organizations and schools, more than $80,000 in the last 10 years. To make a donation to the fund or to get more information, call 989-893-4438 and specify that the donation is to the Arenac County Fund.references: arenac county independent, james kuch
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By Donald Horne, Team Success Listing LLC
The AuGres City Council will be sending letters to Michigan U.S. senators requesting their continued support for a Senate bill entitled the Harbor Maintenance Act of 2010. The letter will ask the senators to adopt legislation ensuring that money collected by the Harbor Trust Fund will be used for its intended purposes of maintaining Michigan's harbors and ports. AuGres is part of the Michigan Port Collaborative (MPC), which is organizing the effort. If the city does not take the time to show the importance of being a city with a harbor, the harbor may not exist. That is why AuGres is a part of the MPC, comprised of 19 port communities from across the state. In October, the AuGres City Council unanimously decided to pay $20,000.00 from the city's Capital Projects Fund for the dredging of...
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