How to buy that first home in Woodbury Minnesota?
By Dale Frisch, Real Estate Broker
(Woodbury Real Estate Group)
Buying your first home is a big deal until you do it. Then it is like riding a bike. I guess that is for me to say since I have owned 4 homes in 10 years and helped hundreds by and sell. Okay let's get back to you. 1. You need to come up with down payment. You don't actually have to have the money yourself. You can get a gift from a realtive or you can use downpayment assisstiance like the city offers. Here is the link amount you need for a first time home buyer loan is 3.5% of the purchase price. $100,000 house $3,500. That is loan program is an FHA loan which is backed by the US governement. It is like the go to loan if people have short sales or foreclosures or bankrupt...