O-Bla-de O-Bla-da
By Joan Mirantz, Realtor, GRI, CBR, SRES - Concord New Hampshire
(Homequest Real Estate)
We are all aware of the obvious ramifications of todays economy. Foreclosures, gasoline prices, unavailable credit, soaring health care costs (if you can afford it at all), food prices and job security to name the obvious....but if we look hard enough....we will see fallout in every city and town in America. Fallout that never reaches the front page. I was listening to a report the other day, by Chris Jensen, a reporter for NPR. It was about the small town of Northumberland (Groveton) NH. Northumberland has a population of just over 2000 people with a Median Household Income of $31,500. It is not a large nor prosperous town. Northumberland is trying to raise some money. They are looking to raise $100,00, not a fortune by todays standards. The money is earmarked to shore up the river...