
Port Orford, OR Real Estate News

By George Bennett, Inactive Principal Broker, GRI
It was big and beautiful. A close encounter with our own moon. I wish that I had the equipment to get a photo that showed the orange hue of the moon more accurately but this is the best my camera could do. There were 12 - 15 photo and moon enthusiasts at the Port Orford dock to photograph the event and the moon did not disappoint us. Enjoy.    
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By George Bennett, Inactive Principal Broker, GRI
The annual migration is underway. Trained volunteers will be on duty at Port Orford's Battle Rock Park from 10:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. from Dec 26 through Dec 31 to help visitors see these magnificent whales and provide information about their migration. There have been many more sitings this years than in the years recently past and it is just as exciting as ever. For more information about Oregon State Parks Whale Watch Spoken here program visit their site.
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By George Bennett, Inactive Principal Broker, GRI
It was a beautiful day in Port Orford, clear skies, a brisk chill in the air, and a silent surf as the sun directly shown on the Tropic of Capricorn and cast a silvery light on the waters near Battle Rock   It was another beautiful winter day at the top of the banana belt on the southern Oregon coast.
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By George Bennett, Inactive Principal Broker, GRI
  Here is Cinnamon our cocker spaniel/poodle mix. She is 12 yrs old now.     This gentle loving fur-person was rescued from a high-kill shelter in Sacramento, CA eight years ago. She loves everyone and she is loved by everyone who meets her. It is impossible to count the number of smiles that she has brought to the faces of adults and children that see her and meet her. She rides shotgun in my truck, stands on the seat, crouches over the window rail, and places her head between the door/window frame and the passenger side mirror. When she runs to greet someone all you can see is her ears, fu manchu, paws, and tail flying in all directions at once. Cinnamon has brought a heart full of joy to our lives and we give our thanks and gratitude to members and affiliates of the Best Friends Anim...
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By George Bennett, Inactive Principal Broker, GRI
Get away to Oregon's Hidden Seaside Town is the title of the article recently published in Sunset Magazine. The hidden seaside town is Port Orford and the writer, Susan Houser, and the photographer, John Clark, have done a very good job of portraying "the not-so-sleepy charms of one of Oregon's most idyllic seaside towns." I've been telling you all about Port Orford in my localizm blog but here is an outsiders opinion that substantiates what I've been blogging about.    
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By George Bennett, Inactive Principal Broker, GRI
Local artists and craftsman display their work in 4 of our local galleries. Master wood worker and wood carver displays his own work at the Cook Gallery at the corner of 7th and Oregon St. The Johnson Gallery is at 530 8th St. The Pottery Gallery is in the 900 block of Oregon St/Hwy 101. The Triangle Gallery at the intersection of Hwy 101 and Oregon St.  
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By George Bennett, Inactive Principal Broker, GRI
A prospective buyer from California recently asked: "What kind of town is Port Orford?"  I spoke about the natural beauty of the area then explained that in my opinion the people in Port Orford are its greatest strength. I shared with him my own experience about how open and accepting the community was when my wife and I arrived back in 2005 and how supportive our new friends and neighbors were when my wife needed major surgery to restore her to good health. Then I shared my sense of our community's spirit and our community's sense of place, He decided he needed to experience Port Orford first hand and is scheduling a visit in the next few weeks. After our conversation I reflected on Port Orford and came up with the following list of strengths which I have discussed individually in prev...
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By George Bennett, Inactive Principal Broker, GRI
In the Pacific Northwest moss growing on your roof can affect the water tight integrity of your roof and if it gets too bad your insurance company may cancel your insurance policy or refuse to renew your homeowner's insurance until the moss is properly removed and the roof is inspected (FYI - Insurance companies will periodically check homes that they have insured). As in any home maintenance or repair project, if you have any questions consult a professional. For your information, I have provided some roof maintenance tips below. An ounce of prevention ... The best prevention for roof moss is copper ridge and hip caps. They are expensive but they work. If you ask around about a roof moss problem some people will tell you that a mild laundry detergent will kill the moss. However, it wou...
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By George Bennett, Inactive Principal Broker, GRI
According to the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department approximately 18,000 Grey whales will pass by in the 4 weeks from mid-March through mid-April in their yearly 10,000 mile migration from the Baja Lagoons of Mexico to their summer feeding grounds in the Bering Sea. The main body of whales is about 3 miles off shore however; when feeding the whales can be seen closer to shore. During the peak period approximately 6 whales per hour will pass by specific viewing sites.    The Northern migration starts in the spring during the week of March 21 - March 28. Trained volunteers will tell you that the younger whales travel by first followed by adult whales and lastly the mother whales and their calves (see Whale Watching Spoken here website for more info). The Parks ...
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By George Bennett, Inactive Principal Broker, GRI
It has never been more important for each and everyone of us to communicate to our elected officials about issues, priorities, programs, legislation, budget, and appointments. If you live in Port Orford I have provided the names, addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers, and email addresses of your elected representatives in the State Govt. Governor Ted Kulongoski 160 State Capitol 900 Court St. Salem, OR 97301-4047 T | 503-378-4582 F | 503-378-6827 E | E |   Secretary of State Kate Brown 136 State Capitol Salem, OR 97301-0722   T | 503-986-1523 F | 503-986-1616 E | E |   State Treasurer Ben Westlund 159 State Capitol 900 Court St. NE Salem, OR 97301-4043   T | 503-378-4329 M | oregon...
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By George Bennett, Inactive Principal Broker, GRI
It has never been more important for each and everyone of us to communicate to our elected officials about issues, priorities, programs, legislation, budget, and appointments. If you live in Port Orford I have provided the names, addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers, and email addresses of your elected representatives in the Federal Govt.PresidentBarack ObamaThe White House1600 Pennsylvannia Ave NWWashington, DC 20500T | 202-456-1414F | 202-456-2461E | Vice PresidentDr. Joe BidenThe White House1600 Pennsylvania Ave NWWashington, DC 20500T | 202-456-1414F | 202-456-2461E | SenatorsJeff MerkleySDB-40B Dirksen Senate Office BldgWashington, DC 20510T | 202-224-3753F | 202-228-3997E | OfficeO...
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By George Bennett, Inactive Principal Broker, GRI
The misadventures of Nana Jan, Nana Jan was inspired by her cooking muse and was carefully crafting a gourmet burger from some locally grown organic beef. She added garlic, basil, and goat cheese to the beef and methodically worked the ingredients until they were evenly blended. She carefully pressed these gourmet fixings into 3 thick patties while she seasoned the foreman grill with olive oil spray and sliced sweet onions. Nana removed the onions when they were golden brown and then placed the burgers evenly across the foreman grill. As the burgers cooked Nana sliced 2 vine ripened tomatoes and moved the aromatic brown rice to a cool burner for finishing. As the rice perfected its nutty flavor Nana lovingly flipped the burgers to ensure that they were evenly cooked. Nana called to Papa...
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By George Bennett, Inactive Principal Broker, GRI
We had a spectacularly weatherful day here in Port Orford. Mother Nature appeared to be conflicted by Winter and Spring atmospherics. Consequently, we received intermittent rain, hail, and blue skies with beautiful long arching rainbows, loud surf, and greening pastures. The air was clean and enlivening, the baby lambs would run and play chase then rest beside their mothers and baby calves would stray then go chasing after their mothers trying to stay close as they grazed on the newly grown grasses. It was a joyful day that my wife and I shared with each other. Then later, during the early evening, we celebrated with friends, while dining on locally grown food, and afterwards, in conversations filled with laughter at their home atop one of our coastal hills overlooking a green valley an...
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By George Bennett, Inactive Principal Broker, GRI
Every winter these adorable critters come around scavaging for food in our neighborhood in the coastal forest. This photo was taken only moments after these two masked bandits made a raid on our cats' Whiskas bowl. I don't know who was more startled, these hungry adolescent critters or my wife who went out to take the bowl inside. We don't make a practice of feeding them and we don't encourage others to feed them but we do enjoy their visits. Racoons are playful and rolly-polly. We love to watch them play and listen to their churring sounds. If you haven't heard their growls - it is amazing. My wife and I heard a mama growling at her kits. It almost sounds like a mountain lion.  
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By George Bennett, Inactive Principal Broker, GRI
According to Linda Tarr, when the rare opportunity to apply for a full-power FM radio construction permit from the Federal Communications Commission arose, North Curry Families' and Children's Center agreed to be the 501C3 organization to respond.  This was the beginning of North Curry Community Radio. While working through the FCC's permitting process, North Curry Community Radio partnered with the Rural Design Collective, a remote mentoring program with a local focus, designed to help motivated, creative people begin a career on the Internet. This partnership resulted in the website By visiting their website, one can get a clear sense of what community radio in North Curry County will be about, including sound pieces produced by local people, available through stream...
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By George Bennett, Inactive Principal Broker, GRI
‘Kitchen Witches,’ written by Caroline Smith,  is a comedy in which two culinary divas unfold the story of their 30 year rivalry over the man they both loved while preparing recipes that are seasoned with insults, mixed with laughs and served with a twist of love. Kitchen Witches creates some hilarious situations and memorable moments between two women who used to be friends and now have to share a cable network cooking show that could rival the TV shows of Jerry Springer and Maury Povich. Their thespian cookery is made to order for a night of unforgettable comedic theatre performed by the cast of Theatre 101 in Port Orford. When you are in town check the schedule for Theatre 101 performances at the Seaside Plaza - When you attend a performance don'...
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By George Bennett, Inactive Principal Broker, GRI
Port Orford has chosen to participate in the Oregon ‘Main Street' program, a statewide initiative to revitalize commercial districts through the Oregon Economic and Community Development Department. According to the Department's website, the underlying premise of Main Street is to encourage economic development within the context of historic preservation in ways appropriate to today's marektplace. This approach advocates a return to community self-reliance, local empowermanet, and the rebuilding of traditional districts based on their unique assets: distinctive architecture, a pedestrian-friendly environment, personal service, local ownership and a sense of community. The Main Street program, in partnership with the National Trust Main Street Center, collaborate to provide the support n...
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By George Bennett, Inactive Principal Broker, GRI
Port Orford is a small town on the southwest coast of Oregon with a population of approximately 1200 people. Our town has a small business district and only 1 major highway, Hwy 101, going through it. Members of the Kalmiopsis Audubon Society and other concerned residents were moved to action in 2005. They wanted to preserve and protect our natural Dark Sky heritage. They conducted a lighting assessment and learned that the comparatively small amount of lighting infrastructure that we do have was poorly designed and it was polluting our night skies.  Over the next few years after identifying the problem our local group of activists took a series of actions to educate, re-enforce awareness, and build consensus among the decision makers at state departments, local governments, utility com...
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By George Bennett, Inactive Principal Broker, GRI
The Port Orford Arts Council (POAC) had its annual fund raising event at the Port Orford Community Hall. The decorating committee did an excellent job painting panels that made our community center feel like a street in New Orleans with balconies, doorways,  wrought iron railings, and shuttered windows. There were hand made masks for guests who didn't come in costume and there were beads, streamers, and table art that included alligators, snakes, and percussion instruments. Julie Hawthorne and her "Kitchen Angels," Laurie Prouty, Joyce Kinney, and Deanna Kreuter pepared a tastey jambalaya with red beans and rice, a spicey slaw, and corn bread. Talk about luck, they dished out the last spoonful of beans to the last dinner guest. And to their credit there was no shortage of sinfully rich ...
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By George Bennett, Inactive Principal Broker, GRI
In our town approximately 75% of the properties are listed by local agents and approximately 88% of the clients who buy in our town worked with a local agent. We have both Sellers Agents and Buyers Agents yet there are some sellers and some buyers who choose to work with out of town agents. If you are a Seller and you list with a local agent your agent or one of their office colleagues is almost always available to service your listing by: Being available when required at showings to answer questions about property boundaries, the well, the septic system, Seller's disclosures, permits, zoning, CC&Rs, schools, medical services, shopping, local issues, etc. Marketing in their local sphere of influence, regional sphere of influence, affiliated brokerages, MLS systems, National websites, br...
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Port Orford, OR Real Estate Professionals