Tricks Treats Long Tails Short Tails No Puppy Dog in Real Estate
By Hannah Williams, Expertise NE Philadelphia & Bucks 215-820-3376
(HomeStarr Realty)
Tricks or treats long tails and short tails - no puppy dog tailsBack in 2009 when I first joined AR I would see Blogs about market reports and wonder why people were writing them. One person Jeff Dowler, CRS was always writing about Carlsbad California. I started to learn about Jeff as he relocated from my area and branded himself the relocation dude. Here is a link to his post Way back when I also attended several Rain Camps and heard Bob Steward and Ben Kinney speak. They taught me about the long and short tails. In blogging, it simply meant taking a specific area and choosing a small section/subdivision .. Try to choose a section that is not being worked on by other agents. Blog about this area and do market reports. Blog about events and restaurants in the area. You can even int...