motivational: Another great quote I wanted to share - Make it a great day! - 04/12/11 02:28 AM
Set your sights high, the higher the better. Expect the most wonderful things to happen, not in the future but right now. Realize that nothing is too good. Allow absolutely nothing to hamper you or hold you up in any way."Eileen Caddy, Author Just wanted to share another great quote that was sent to me by a friend. We should always reach for the stars - staying positive and motivated, servicing others with a smile, leaving a mark in this world and knowing "you" really made a difference in someone's life. So, make it a great day and … (8 comments)

motivational: Optimist Creed - (Quote to Share) - 11/30/10 11:04 AM
I promise myselfTo be so strong that nothing can disturb my peace of mind.To talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person I meet.To make all my family and friends feel that there is something worthwhile in them.To look at the sunny side of everything and make my optimism come true.To think only of the best, to work only for the best and to expect only the best.To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as I am about my own.To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.To wear a … (7 comments)

motivational: Everyone Can't Be in Your FRONT ROW - 08/21/10 12:09 PM
An awesome agent in my office, Sue Gabriel, who I consider to be a good friend as well, shared this interesting post that I had to share with my friends here, on activerain.  It makes such good sense - don't you think?
Everyone Can't Be in Your FRONT ROW. Life is a theater so invite your audiences carefully. Not everyone is holy enough and healthy enough to have a FRONT ROW seat in our lives. There are some people in your life that need to be loved from a distance. It's amazing what you can accomplish when you let go, or … (8 comments)