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Using your Reticular Activating System to get anything you want!!

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Try this:  Imagine you are walking through a busy airport.  What sounds do you hear?  Visualize all of the people running frantically to their gates.  Do you hear a general fuzzy background noise?  Now, imagine that you hear your flight or even possibly your name over the PA system.  Your attention is now jolted and you are now focused on that very sound. 

The part of your brain that is activated by this alert mechanism is called the Reticular Activating System.  It can be compared to a coffee filter that clears out the clutter between the subconscious mind and the conscious mind.  To be more specific, this system takes messages from your conscious mind and delivers them to your subconscious mind. 

So, What the heck am I talking about?

The point of all of this is to show you how you can use your Reticular Activating System to achieve anything you want.  In the airport example, the RAS is telling you to listen for your name to be called.  You can actually trick yourself into believing whatever you want. 

First, you can deliberately program your Reticular Activating System by choosing the exact messages that you send you your subconscious mind.  You can say affirmations and set goals that you repeat daily.  When you say and visualize the things you want, you actually attract them to you.  The opposite is true as well, you can attract things you don't want just by repeating or focusing on them.  I am a huge fan of Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich.  Napoleon has said that if we keep thinking that we CAN'T achieve a goal, our subconscious will never allow us to achieve it. 

Second, your RAS cannot distinguish between real and fantasy.  This is the best part!  This means that you can train yourself to believe whatever you wish!

Ok, to summarize, tell yourself that you have what you want, you are what you want to be whatever that may be.  You will be amazed at how much better you will feel about yourself.