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What if I don't want the flyer disclaimer box to show?

Education & Training with TOP PRODUCER Hands-On Training
Recently, a client mentioned that when they were creating a flyer ( not related to any property ) that the disclaimer box shows up.  Although nothing was put in the disclaimer field found under SETUP, PREFERENCES, GENERAL, the box appears to show up when viewing the flyer.  No matter what you do (either attempting to delete or move the box) the box always reappears.  This behavior was designed into the program and applies either to revising a copy of an original template, or when attempting to make a flyer template from scratch with the Create New option.     BUT, should you desire to overprint the box with something else, you can do so.  If you don't check the option to display a disclaimer in SETUP, PREFERENCES, GENERAL, the box will not contain anything.  Therefore, you may overlay either a text box or a graphic on the disclaimer box and you will be able to use that space.  The disclaimer option should not print when not selected.