In these economic times most people are shopping for the best deal they can find. They wait to buy until there is a sale. When Macy’s has a sale, people show up to take advantage of high quality items that are offered at a lower price. Not only can you buy clothes, computers, cameras, etc. on sale, but you can now buy a house on sale. As you look for houses on the various websites, it probably won’t have a big SALE sign on it, but it probably is on sale. I am not saying FOR SALE. I am saying ON SALE. Now that the Federal Tax Credit program has ended you may feel that you missed out on a great bargain. That is not necessarily true because all those sellers whose houses did not sell during that period are anxious to get their houses sold now. They usually won’t tell you that their house is ON SALE in so many words, but there are indicators if you know what to look for.
In order to take advantage of these bargain deals, it is important to have a good credit history. Paying your bills on time every month is the easiest way to maintain good credit and get the best mortgage rate. If you are unsure of what your credit looks like, you can get a report for free once each year. Go to There is absolutely no charge and no pressure to buy anything as a result of obtaining your credit information.
To find out if you qualify to purchase a house, speak with a reputable mortgage lender who can get you pre-approved before you start looking for a house. By getting pre-approved, you know how much you can afford up front and don’t waste your time looking at houses you can’t afford. Keep in mind that all lenders are not the same but your real estate agent should be able to refer you to some great lenders
Buying or selling in this market takes know-how. Let my 20+ years of experience work for you. Let me show you how to find homes that are “ON SALE”.
Bob Burkhard
Baltimore, MD