I am sure I cannot be the only Realtor who gets frustrated when searching through listings to send to potential out of state or even local clients and find a great house, or so it seems, great price and it's not a short sale or foreclosure property, only to notice there is just ONE FRONT PICTURE!!!! That's it....no more!!!
What possible reason could an agent have to not take pictures of the inside of the house...if it's such a great home then there would be pictures. If there is ever a reason to take limited pictures as the sellers would like to move a few things around to make it more appealing, then by all means...take a few pics and note it in the listing...more pictures coming soon! But, I don't even see that...it's just one front picture of the house...and it's sooo ANNOYING!!! Can you tell this bothers me to no end??? Lol.... well, I do not forward these listings to my out of state buyers and I am very picky to send any of them to local buyers as well.
The first thing a prospective buyer will ask when viewing a listing with just a front picture is "Can you get me some pictures of the inside?" Ugh! Yes, of course, let me do the listing agent's job as well...maybe I can just write up and handle the whole process...obviously, they are too busy. And, if they are not helping their sellers' by giving them every advantage possible by taking the pictures, then how helpful are they going to be throughout the process?
I just don't understand, with the market not at it's greatest nationally, that agents would not be going that extra mile to get the listing sold. Even if the house is a complete disaster...you advise the seller to clean it up a little, maybe even offer some cleaning services for them to utilize, but they have to make the home available for pictures. Who is going to buy a home without knowing what it looks like inside? And if they see a few pictures...they can make up their minds as to whether or not they want to see it in person. If all listings just had the front picture...I would be showing every house so the buyer can see the inside, I don't know about anyone else, but...they are not giving gas away these days!!
Okay...I'm done venting and feel just a little better. :) I will feel much better when I can pull up listings and check out a home's insides!