
FSBO's and the adjusting market

Real Estate Agent with GMAC Real Estate Premier Network

Since we're all always looking for new ways to bring in business I decided to go back over some emails that I was trading with my sister-in-law (a Realtor in another state). One of the topics that we were discussing was FSBO's and whether or not the market adjustment would bring out more or less FSBO's and whether or not this market was good for those that decided to take that route. What we collectively decided is that the FSBO diminishes their chance for sale dramatically in an adjusting market.

Here's what they want:

1.  Top dollar (that's a surprise, huh!)

2.   Fast sale (another surprise)

3.   Low cost (three for three in surprise factor)

Here's why they won't achieve those goals:

1.  "Top Dollar" Buyers have MANY more choices right now, meaning the FSBO has a ton of competition.

2.  "Fast sale" in the adjusting market average days on market, even for homes that are marketed correctly, is rising.

3.  "Low cost" Go back to numbers one and two! More competition means the need for better marketing for a longer time since average days as grown.

 So does this mean that they shouldn't sell thier home at this time --- NO WAY! All it means is that it is time that the FSBO evaluate the market and then realize that it is time to get back to the time of reality -- as in Realtor! Now more than ever, when homes are marketed properly they will sell in the least amount of time and for top dollar. 

So, as a FSBO, pick up the phone and interview a few agents. Here is a primer (although certainly not complete and I ask for more) on things that you should expect from the agent that you choose to market your home.

1- The basic approach should include the following: list your home in the MLS, advertise your home on their own website, market to their office, hold open houses, advertise in the local paper and real estate magazines.

2- Get commitment from the agent that they will bemarketing your home on the Internet. That doesn't mean the MLS (since that is part of the basic package). Make sure they review this plan with you. It should include multiple realty WEB sites, Craig's list, Visual Tours, neighborhood dedicated websites, etc.. No plan, next agent.

3- Work with a finance savvy agent or at least one that can bring a strong lender to the table. This way buyers can be qualified quickly with little or no surprises further down the road. If the buyer has their own lender then the one your agent uses can at least be there to consult on the process.

4- Get an agent that understands the staging of a home. A properly presented home will always sell faster and will be more likely to generate the proceeds that you expect.

5- Just because you were a FSBO don't look for a "yes" agent. A professional Realtor will lay it on the line to you. We earn a living selling homes day in and day out and no more want to waste our time than yours.


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REbecca Levinson

You touch on the inventory issue- and getting a home sold fast.  In your market, are you seeing higher commissions being offered to an agent who brings in a buyer.


I understand this has become popular in some competitive markets where inventory is very high and competing against a ton of new construction.


Rebecca D. Levinson-Connect2Agent 

Oct 19, 2007 09:31 AM
Steven Hagee
GMAC Real Estate Premier Network - Reading, PA
Rebecca - As yet we haven't seen much of that in my market, though I suspect that it is not far around the corner as listing agents look for new and imaginative ways to get their listing shown. As well, builders in the area are just now starting to really bring out the big guns in terms of incentives to move their inventory and to keep their employees working so I am sure the extra incentive to the buyer's agent will become more prevelant here as well. Thanks for the comment
Oct 20, 2007 12:01 AM
Dick Betts
Dick Betts National Speaker - The Villages, FL
Realtor, Team Leader

If you live within 3 hours of Harrisburg, PA and want 2 full days of Mobile Technology Training and Web Presence then do we have an event for you!  The dates are April 17th and 18th, Central Penn MLS in Enola, a suburb of Harrisburg has hired me to present a full 2 day event.  Word of mouth has agents from 2 hours away already signing up for the classes and we are about to launch a major advertising campaign so you better sign up early.  If you have any questions on what will be covered I have a link below on the class schedule.

Smartphone users, feel like your Smartphone is smarter then you?  Do you want to work Smarter not Harder?  This 13 hour training event will help you get a handle on your Smartphone and teach you how to work smarter.  We will be doing 9 hours of hands on so bring your chargers!

If you don't currently own a Smartphone but know you need one, then ATTEND!  Normally 25% of my classes are agents thinking about buying a phone and I am there to help you decide what is best for you and where the best deals are.

Here's a link for more info;

Apr 04, 2008 01:37 AM