Branson Meetup at Grand Country with James Dray and Linda Guess
There were only two of us at the Branson Meetup, but that didn't slow us down any. James
Dray does not look like his photo. He is much better looking. I am just saying. I told him he needs to up-date his photo.
It was non-stop talking from the minute we sat down until we both had to leave. He is a very interesting person. He currently manages an office of 22 agents. I think that keeps him busy.
James Bray was with the police department for 30 years and in 2005 decided to start his real estate career. I think he loves real estate and I think looking back that he would have been in real estate a lot sooner if he had known how much he enjoys the real estate business. That is my opinion. He did not actually say that.
He shared some real estate techniques with me. All the help I can get is very much appreciated. I shared with him some vitamin information that many people do not know and can save a lot of discomfort. No I don't sell vitamins. I just like to talk about them when I heard that a relative had a problem that the vitamin will help.
We think it would be good to have Meetups every six months. It was a lot of fun. Maybe we would have a better turnout if Branson was in season and family would be able to enjoy all of the activities while we spend a couple hours at lunch.