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Showing Rural Property

Real Estate Agent with Diamond Properties

I mostly work within the city, but a few times a year, I show property out in the country.

Generally, people perceive the country to be simpler, idyllic, and peaceful, but personal experience does not agree with the public perception.

Things to look out for in the country:

  • Rural residents usually keep many pets--especially dogs! Some are friendly puppies, others are bloodthirsty hounds. Rule #1 when you encounter the latter: show no fear and maintain eye contact. Stare them down! Running is pointless. Dogs run faster. If you can't stare it down, mace or pepper spray could come in handy...
  • Squatters. Vacant country homes with no immediate neighbors have a tendency to attract hobos and the like. Just like the dogs, some are harmless, others... not so much.  Don't just breeze in they way you would with a suburban home. Lord only knows who's around the corner.  Again, mace or pepper spray may come in handy...
  • Ornery neighbors. People who live close together in rural areas tend to watch out for each other. This is a good thing for the residents, but not such a good thing for an unknown real estate agent fumbling around another person's home. If you see a neighbor out in his yard, announce your intentions and give him a card. Not only is this a good way to create business, it may also save you from being held at gun point while trying to explain why you were snooping around Mrs. Johnson's house.
  • Gnats. Many rural areas do not use sprayer trucks for municipal pest control. Blood-sucking insects are common. Give yourself to a healthy spritz of pest repellent before heading out.

If you have additional tips for showing rural property, please post them in the comments section. If it's a good one, I'll incorporate it into the original post (giving due credit of course).