
If You're Looking for Mayberry-- Sugar Creek's Home!

Real Estate Agent with RE/MAX R.P. Cunningham Team

A few weeks ago I wrote about the physical charm of my Sugar Creek neighborhood as one of the main factors for selecting it.  I knew four years ago that Sugar Creek in Greer was large (over 600 homes); that it was assigned to one of the best elementary schools around (Buena Vista) and that it was family friendly.  What I didn't know and have been delighted to discover since, is what a nice, old fashioned and actively involved NEIGHBORHOOD this place is.

Here are some examples:  There are three swimming pools (two swim teams), three boards of Directors and three Social Chairpersons. All this for ONE HOA fee of under $450 per year. 

 With that many social groups you can imagine how many fun things there are for families to do beyond the ever popular back yard cookouts. One summer night, for example,  it might be a guitar duo by the pool. Or an afternoon of Men's Dodge ball.  There's always the 4th of July kids parade complete with a couple of major floats provided by doting Dads and the local Firetruck in the lead. A day of Red, White & Blue Galore, this annual event is topped off by a HUGE night time fireworks show over one of our two neighborhood ponds that delights folks from many surrounding subdivisions. Then in the Fall, there's the Rising Kindergartner's Tea to acquaint our little ones as we prepare to send them off to school via our Sugar Creek only"BackPath".   And for the ladies there's an occasional Bunco game to be played or craft show in one of our Clubhouses. There's alot going on no matter what the season to help neighbors build friendships and the old fashioned bonds that we remember from days gone by.  We even have our own local County Deputy (not named Barney) that lends a constant & watchful eye over the safety of our streets, homes and children. 

As a person who's old enough to remember Mayberry from the TV shows, this neighborhood of mine sure seems like it.  It took me more decades than I'd like to admit to find it, but I'm really glad for myself and my family, that I did!  Welcome Home!

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Lee Cunningham
Cunningham Team RE/MAX R.P. - Greenville, SC
Greenville SC Real Estate

OK. You convinced me. I want to live there!

Oct 21, 2008 06:25 AM