Every week I counsel with clients who are in a financial crisis - each and every one feels isolated, embarrassed and alone. I assure you that it is very common today. Maybe there were bad choices along the way, maybe more money was borrowed when things were tight, maybe the credit cards felt like a bail out, maybe we bought more house than we should have....the list goes on. On the other hand, maybe you had no control - maybe a relocation, a lost job, a sickness or worse.
With all the "Maybes", "Could Haves" and "Should Haves" comes the time to get real - to face the situation. Maybe it is time to forgive yourself for the past and push forward to a positive future. Find a trusted financial advisor to help you know what to do NOW. The financial crisis didn't happen overnight and it won't be resolved overnight. With patience, prayer, a good plan and discipline, there will be brighter days ahead! Go to www.daveramsey.com for reference. For more information www.SandiSudduth.com