Personal Marketing - A Story (Part I)
This is a post on my local blog which I thought I'd offer up for an open discussion on AR.
The NetworkIN CDA is only a few monthes in the running and participation is... well, it's nothing like the rain.
Last night I spent a little more time than usual reading and commenting on member posts on our NetworkIN CDA. Given our growing numbers, I have yet to get around to everyone; however, I have made it a goal to do so. But, what jumped out at me in the wee hours of the morning was a striking difference… namely, our profiles.
Most everyone has a rather short piece, primarily about their business, what they do or virtually nothing at all. Then, there’s mine. And, while it's not a book, it is longer than most. Now, I realize from my reading that many, if not all of us, are generally uncomfortable talking about ourselves. Quite honestly, I understand. There are few things more revolting to me than egotistical, self-centered people who are sure that the universe was made to revolve around them. So, given this premise, the thought that got me out of bed early this morning was, “Wow, maybe you all think that I’m one of those”… yet, nothing could be further from the truth.
Let me tell you a little story. About a year ago, when I was just starting my new venture in real estate here in Coeur d’ Alene, I went to a local presentation by a national marketing company (Hobbs-Herder) that works primarily with Realtors and their personal marketing. They prefaced their pitch with a couple of questions. (By the way, whether you're in the real estate business or not, there is a good chance this will be a benefit to you as well in the end, so if I can encourage you, please read on.)
First, they asked, “What are you selling?” I eagerly raised my hand. I knew the answer to that one! “HOUSES!” The buzzer went off… Wrong answer. What? Question two was, “What’s more important to the success of your business, Visibility or Ability?” Slightly less sure of myself now, I said, “ABILITY.” I mean, come on, skill and expertise must be more important to success than the mere blasting of the marketplace with advertising. Right? Well, yes… but, it is not a prerequisite that the people you see EVERYWHERE are necessarily the best at what they do, however, bear in mind, what they have done is create the “ILLUSION” of success, worthy or not.
Let’s do a test, when you think of the most successful Realtor in Coeur d’ Alene, who comes to mind first? OK, you can’t count yourself if you are one and let’s leave out your best friend. Now, who is it? My guess is it’s probably the one who’s name and face you see everywhere. Of course, you might not be drawn to utilize the services of the self proclaimed center of the universe, not to imply that all megamarketers are so overtly proud of themselves (disclaimer), but the truth is that they have placed themselves in the forefront of your mind by sheer visibility. Please, don’t worry yourself over the fact that just because you don’t have the resources, or the desire, to carpet bomb the media with your name and face that you must settle for mere mediocrity. FEAR NOT! I’ll finish this story for you in part II.